本文选题:地方志办公室 + 修志 ; 参考:《中国地方志》2014年11期
[Abstract]:On July 11, 2014, a meeting was held in Qingyang County, Qingyang County. More than 60 people attended the meeting, including 16 provincial municipalities and Guangde counties, and Susong County Local Records Office, as well as the main responsible comrades of the provincial local records office. In his speech, Zhu Wengen, director of the Provincial Local Records Office, pointed out that to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Fifth National Conference on Local Records, we must first work hard on "revising the Records and asking questions." Writing is to consolidate the cultural foundation, ask is to seek the historical law. The study of local history and culture should look after the reality, face the future, find the right path, pay attention to the method, and draw convincing scientific conclusions through "peeling the shell and seeing the benevolence". Liu Chengdian, deputy director of the Provincial Local Records Office, conveyed the spirit of the Fifth National work Conference on Local Records. The participants will follow up on the implementation of the National Congress
【作者单位】: 安徽省地方志办公室;
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