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发布时间:2018-07-18 07:05
【摘要】: 1895—1945年,台湾沦为日本的殖民地。为了泯灭台湾人民的民族意识和国家观念,使台湾人日本化,成为效忠天皇的忠良臣民,日本帝国主义在台湾实行的了长达50年的殖民同化和差别教育。日本在台湾推行的殖民教育在本质上是殖民奴化教育,其主观动机绝对不是为了台湾人民的福祉,而是为其进行殖民同化和经济掠夺服务的。 日本的殖民同化教育意图明确,层层推进,不断强化,共经历了三个阶段,即:1895年至1919年前期武官总督时期(推行日语的“同化教育创建期”);1919年至1937年文官总督时期(实行“日台共学”的“同化教育发展期”):1937年至日本投降为止的后期武官总督时期(实行激进的“皇民化”政策的“同化教育蜕变期”)。在整个日据时期,“同化教育”是日本殖民当局始终坚持的根本教育方针,只不过在各个时期提法各异,表现形式也不尽相同。 日本在据台后陆续建立了初等、中等和高等教育体系。日本殖民当局通过各级学校和社会教育积极实施同化教育,强制推行日语,宣扬日式文明,,极力改变台湾的文化、语言和风俗习惯,妄图使台湾人彻底日本化。与此同时,日本人内心深处又不愿真正承认台湾人为日本国民的一部分。在这种极其复杂和矛盾的心态下,日本的殖民同化教育实行“日台双轨制”,台湾学生所接受的教育水平远不及在台日本学生,差别待遇十分明显。 在初等教育方面,由于少年儿童尚未形成正确的人生观念和国家意识,思想容易塑造,因而日本殖民当局高度重视台湾初等教育建设,通过普及“公学校”使大多数台湾学龄儿童有接受初级日式教育的机会。这在表面上提高了台湾学龄儿童的入学率,实则怀有愚民和同化的险恶用心。 在中等以上教育方面,日本殖民当局处处限制台湾学生进入中、高等学校,大多数台湾学生仅能接受初等教育。一方面,日本殖民当局大力发展职业技术教育,旨在把台湾学生培养成为为殖民统治服务的初级技术人员和劳动力,广大台湾青年在不知不觉中沦为了为日本殖民统治和经济掠夺服务的工具;另一方面,为了达到愚民目的,日本殖民当局限制台湾学生接受政治、法律、历史等人文教育,束缚了他们的心智发展和国家观念、民族意识的形成,造成了台湾学科结构和人才结构的失衡。 日本帝国主义在台湾实施的殖民教育作为其整个侵略行为的重要组成部分之一,与其军事占领、政治统治和经济掠夺相比,显得更狡猾、更毒辣、更隐蔽,对台湾的教育、经济、政治、文化乃至民众心理等诸多方面都产生了巨大的负面影响。 本文将日本在台湾的殖民教育与其对台殖民政策有机地结合起来,分三个时期系统地研究日本在台湾殖民教育政策的产生、演变,并分析日本殖民教育对台湾教育、经济和社会文化等多方面的影响,从而揭示日据时期日本在台湾殖民教育的本质和罪恶目的;此外,本文还结合所述对台湾殖民教育的特点作了归纳和探讨。 作者力图站在客观的立场上进行分析研究,多角度考察日据时期台湾殖民教育的发展演变。一方面,日本殖民教育旨在泯灭中华文化,消除台湾人民的民族意识和国家观念等方面遗害甚多,对台湾社会具有明显的反动性和破坏性;另一方面,日本在台湾实行的殖民教育,毕竟采用了近代教育的体制和方法,也不能排除它在客观上对推动台湾社会某些方面的发展也曾起到过一定的促进作用。 当然,需要着重强调的是,作者认为台湾殖民教育曾起到的积极作用,只不过是在特定时期“充当了历史的不自觉的工具”而已,绝非日本殖民者的主观动机。而且相对于其对台湾社会的负面影响来说是微不足道的,根本改变不了日本在台湾推行殖民教育的奴化本质。笔者认为,正视这段历史的复杂性将有助于我们更加全面地认识日本在台湾殖民教育的本质和危害,进一步澄清史实,辩明事非,以正视听,回击日本右翼势力美化殖民教育的言论,从而达到警醒世人并总结历史教训的目的。
[Abstract]:The colonial education in Taiwan is essentially a colonial slavery education . Its subjective motive is absolutely not for the well - being of the Taiwanese people , but for the colonization and economic pillaging of the Taiwan people .

Japan ' s colonial assimilation education is intended to be carried out in three stages , namely , the period of the Governor ' s Governor ' s period ( the " assimilation education creation period " in Japanese ) during the period from 1 to 1919 to 1919 ;
During the period from 1919 to 1937 , the governor of the Civil Service ( " The Same Education Development Period " ) from 1937 to 1937 , during the period from 1937 to Japan , was the " assimilation education transformation period " of the policy of radical " imperial China " . During the whole day , " assimilation education " is the fundamental education policy that the Japanese colonial authorities always adhere to , except that the different forms of different periods are different from each other and the expression forms are different .

At the same time , Japan ' s colonial authorities have actively carried out assimilation education through schools and social education at all levels , forced the implementation of Japanese , promoted Japanese civilization , tried hard to change the culture , language and customs of Taiwan , and tried to make the Taiwanese completely Japan . At the same time , Japan ' s colonial assimilation education has been implemented as part of Japanese nationals . In this extremely complex and ambivalent state of mind , Japan ' s colonial assimilation education is far less than that of Japanese students , and the differential treatment is very obvious .

In the field of primary education , the Japanese colonial authorities attached great importance to the construction of primary education in Taiwan because of the fact that young children had not formed the right concept of life and national awareness , so the Japanese colonial authorities attached great importance to the construction of primary education in Taiwan .

At the medium or higher level of education , the Japanese colonial authorities restricted Taiwan students access to China , higher education institutions and most Taiwanese students were only able to receive primary education . On the one hand , Japanese colonial authorities strongly developed vocational and technical education aimed at cultivating Taiwan students as primary technicians and labour force for colonial rule services , and the vast majority of Taiwanese young people became tools for Japanese colonial rule and economic pillaging services .
On the other hand , in order to achieve the purpose of the fool , the Japanese colonial authorities restricted Taiwan students from accepting the humanities education such as politics , law , history and so on , bound their mental development and the formation of national ideas and national consciousness , which resulted in the imbalance of the structure of the subject and the structure of the talent .

The colonial education imposed by Japanese imperialism in Taiwan is one of the most important parts of its whole act of aggression . Compared with its military occupation , political rule and economic pillaging , the Japanese imperialism appears to be more sly , more poisonous and more concealed , and has a great negative impact on the education , economy , politics , culture and the psychology of the people in Taiwan .

In this paper , Japan ' s colonial education in Taiwan is organically combined with its colonial policy , which systematically studies the development and evolution of Japan ' s colonial education policy in Taiwan in three periods , and analyses the influence of Japan ' s colonial education on Taiwan ' s educational , economic and social culture , thus revealing the nature and evil purpose of Japan ' s colonial education in Taiwan .
In addition , this paper summarizes and discusses the characteristics of Taiwan ' s colonial education .

On the one hand , Japan ' s colonial education aims to eliminate the Chinese culture , eliminate the people ' s national consciousness and national idea , and has obvious reactionary and destructive effect on Taiwanese society .
On the other hand , Japan ' s colonial education in Taiwan , after all , adopts the system and method of modern education , nor does it exclude it has played a certain role in promoting the development of some aspects of Taiwan ' s society .

Certainly , the author thinks that Taiwan ' s colonial education has played a positive role , but it is only that during the special period , it has served as a historical and unconscious tool , but it is not only the subjective motive of Japanese colonizers , but also the nature and harm of Japan ' s colonial education in Taiwan .


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1 胡媈;;日本对台的文化政策及其与“台独”的影响[J];经营管理者;2008年09期

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1 吴丽仙;日据时期台湾传统文人的教育活动研究[D];福建师范大学;2013年




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