[Abstract]:Zheng Yang Haifeng wrote in the fifth issue of "Fujian Historical Records" in 2012 that further promoting cross-Strait cultural exchanges and cooperation should be carried out from three aspects: first, to make good use of the state's policy towards the Taiwan region. We will actively promote exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in the culture of local records. In the mainland, it is necessary to set up special organizations for cultural exchange between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, unify the organization, and make overall planning, so that the abundant local chronicle cultural resources of the mainland can be fully utilized in cross-strait exchanges, and the mainland's local chronicle culture should be disseminated to the people of Taiwan. It is necessary to organize organized and planned activities in the Taiwan area, such as exhibitions of the achievements of historical books, so that the people of Taiwan can directly understand what has been achieved in the mainland's local chronicle culture.
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