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发布时间:2019-02-24 11:05
【摘要】: 地方主义是晚清以来中国政治转轨、经济转型时期的一大政治特色。在晚清以来的政治崩溃中,各地政治经济发展的不平衡造就了许多凭借军事实力割据一方的地方实力派的崛起。这些地方实力派承认中央政府,但又总是与力图重建最高权威和集权主义理想的中央政府形成矛盾和对抗,与中央政府的关系若即若离。其实地方分权系统形成的地方主义一直是中国历史上的一个重要现象,在我国统一的多民族国家发展历程中不可忽视。民国一代社会长期动荡不安,地方主义滋生盛行。1925年统一了广西的新桂系是中国近现代史上一个举足轻重的地方实力派,在与名义上统治全国的蒋介石中央政权相抗衡而保持广西独立发展过程中,地方主义在新桂系统治时期的广西其表现也尤为突出,对当时广西乃至全国社会都产生了重大而深远的影响。以史为鉴,初步探讨新桂系统治时期广西的地方主义,不仅可以从一个侧面反映近现代中国及广西社会发展的状况及特点,对于我们今天正确处理中央与地方关系,从根本上消除地方主义也具有积极的现实借鉴意义。 本文在前人研究的基础上把在民国时期的历史嬗变过程中起了十分重要作用的新桂系和地方主义两者结合起来进行研究,将地方主义和新桂系这一独特的历史现象和群体放在特定的历史环境中加以考察,以中央与地方的关系为透视点考察新桂系的活动,以新桂系的活动来论述当时的地方主义,重点讨论新桂系治理广西时期的地方主义的思想和行为表现及对社会发展变迁产生的影响,并力图通过与广东、山西地方实力派的比较,探寻其特点并予以评价。 文章由五部分组成,绪论,在归纳前人研究成果基础上,阐述本文的研究对象、内容、方法及其意义。第一部分主要论述民国时期地方主义的产生及特征,首先阐明对地方主义概念的理解,梳理了我国历史上地方主义的沿革,并进一步指出民国时期地方主义的滋生发展,政治性与军事化兼备,建设性与破坏性并存,离心倾向与向心倾向同在的特点。第二部分重点从地方思想观念和地方政治行为两方面论述
[Abstract]:Regionalism is a political feature of China's political transition and economic transformation since the late Qing Dynasty. In the political collapse since the late Qing Dynasty, the imbalance of political and economic development in various places resulted in the rise of many local power factions which were separated by military power. These local powerhouses recognize the central government, but they are always in contradiction and confrontation with the central government which tries to re-establish the supreme authority and the centralism ideal, and the relationship with the central government is inseparable from each other. In fact, the regionalism formed by the system of decentralization has always been an important phenomenon in the history of China, which can not be ignored in the course of the development of China's unified multi-ethnic country. For a long time, the society of the Republic of China was unstable and regionalism flourished. The New Guangxi system, which unified Guangxi in 1925, was a decisive local power school in the modern history of China. In the process of maintaining the independence of Guangxi against the central regime of Jiang Jieshi, which nominally ruled the whole country, the performance of localism in Guangxi during the period of New Guangxi rule was particularly prominent. At that time, Guangxi and even the whole country had a significant and far-reaching impact. Taking history as a mirror, this paper preliminarily discusses the regionalism in Guangxi during the period of the new Guangxi rule, which can not only reflect the social development status and characteristics of modern China and Guangxi from one side, but also correctly handle the relationship between the central and local authorities today. Eliminating localism fundamentally also has positive practical significance. On the basis of previous studies, this paper combines the New Guangxi and the localism, which played a very important role in the historical evolution of the Republic of China. This unique historical phenomenon and group of localism and Xinguizi are examined in a specific historical environment, and the activities of Xinguizi are examined on the basis of the relationship between the central and local authorities, and localism at that time is discussed by the activities of Xinguizi. This paper mainly discusses the thought, behavior and influence on the social development and vicissitude of the regionalism in Guangxi during the period of New Guangxi, and tries to explore its characteristics and evaluate it by comparing it with the local power schools in Guangdong and Shanxi. This paper is composed of five parts, introduction. On the basis of summarizing the previous research results, this paper expounds the research object, content, method and significance of this paper. The first part mainly discusses the emergence and characteristics of localism in the period of the Republic of China. First, it clarifies the understanding of the concept of localism, combs the evolution of regionalism in the history of our country, and further points out the breeding and development of regionalism in the period of the Republic of China. Political and militarization, constructive and destructive, centrifugal and centripetal characteristics. The second part focuses on two aspects: local ideology and local political behavior.


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