发布时间:2018-02-24 15:28
本文关键词: 乾隆前中期 云南 经济 开发 出处:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:清军入关,取代明王朝对全国的统治,导致中国的政局发生了翻天覆地的变化。王朝更替,必然会发生战争。当连年的战乱平息之后,作为统治者的清政府开始着手于恢复社会生产。经过康熙、雍正两朝的不断努力,到了乾隆皇帝统治的前中期,,举国都呈现出太平盛世的辉煌景象。当时的云南虽地处边疆,但在这样的大背景下,也进入了可称为黄金发展的三十年。 从乾隆皇帝登基,到清缅战争爆发。在这时间段内云南社会的各个方面,都发展到封建时期的顶峰。乾隆前中期的云南,社会十分安定,人口迅速增加,农业持续开发,铜矿的大规模开采以及辉煌的滇铜京运,无一不证明了这一时期云南社会的兴盛。 基于上述认识,本论文选取乾隆前中期的云南社会为研究对象,主要从经济发展与边疆开发这一角度进行研究,力求解析这一时间段内云南社会经济繁荣的表现形式,以及这种繁荣表象之后的深层次原因。主要包括四个方面的内容:第一,探究乾隆前中期统治集团对云南的治理措施,以及这些措施实施之后为当时的云南社会带来哪些深刻的影响;第二,云南矿冶业为何能得到大力发展,矿冶业的兴盛所带来的影响;第三,地处边疆的云南在这一时期内商业方面的发展;第四,人口的不断增加为农业持续开发提供了保障,农业发展的表现和其后的动因。 云南地处边疆,远离中央王朝。境内因为地理环境差异,导致各地区间发展不平衡。少数民族众多,相对于内地省份而言民族问题更加复杂。就在这样的特殊情况下,乾隆前中期的云南社会在经济发展与边疆开发方面,依然能获得持续发展,这是值得研究和借鉴的。
[Abstract]:The Qing army entered the door , replacing the Ming Dynasty ' s rule over the whole country , which led to a great change in China ' s political situation . After the war in successive years , the Qing government , as the ruler , began to focus on the restoration of social production . After the years of war , the Qing government , as the ruler , began to focus on the restoration of social production . From the emperor ' s reign to the Qing - Myanmar war , every aspect of Yunnan ' s society has been developed to the climax of the feudal period . In the middle of the reign of Emperor Qian Long , the Yunnan , the society is very stable , the population is rapidly increasing , the agricultural sustainable development , the large - scale mining of the copper ore and the glorious Dian - Cu Jing Yun , have not proved the prosperity of Yunnan society in this period . Based on the above - mentioned recognition , the paper selects Yunnan society as the research object in the middle and middle period of Qianlong , mainly from the angle of economic development and frontier development , and tries to analyze the expression of Yunnan ' s socio - economic prosperity in the period of this period , and the deep reason behind the prosperity . Yunnan is located in the border area and is far from the central dynasty . Because of the difference of geographical environment , the regional development is not balanced . In this special case , the Yunnan society in the middle and middle of the reign still has the sustainable development in the aspect of economic development and frontier development , which is worthy of research and reference .
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