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发布时间:2018-03-01 14:34

  本文关键词: 柳芳 《唐历》 《资治通鉴考异》 日本记事 《明文抄》 出处:《浙江工商大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:众所周知,中日两国文化交流历史悠久,源远流长,“山川异域,风月同天”。文化传播的承担者有二,其一是人,其二是物。中日书籍交流可追溯到秦汉时期,此后延绵不绝。隋唐时期,日本遣使来华,求购书籍,学习中国文化。唐宋时期,中日书籍交流活跃,盛况空前,成为当时中日文化交流的一大特点。 《唐历》是唐朝中期著名的史学家柳芳所撰私人史学著作。编年体《唐历》成为后世修撰唐史的宝贵依据,对通史的编修也起着十分重要的作用。由于该书未完先传,迅即风行于世,人们竞相传抄,造成版本不一。该书历经乱世战火之后,两宋时期内容发生重大变更,宋元之际最终亡佚。不过,日本文献记载表明柳芳所著《唐历》早在九世纪末就已经东传日本。并且,《唐历》是当时日本人编修史书或撰写私人日记的重要参考资料。 本文由引言、正文和结语三部分组成。首先,引言部分有三节。第一节说明研究对象,第二节综述先行研究,第三节指明研究方法。然后,正文部分总共为三章。第一章为柳芳与《唐历》简介,主要是介绍了柳芳续编《国史》和撰修《唐历》始末。第二章为《唐历》在中国的流传与散佚,叙述了《唐历》的体例内容、流传版本与散佚时代,并且着重分析了《唐历》与《资治通鉴》及《资治通鉴考异》的关系。第三章为《唐历》在日本的流布情况,在概述中日书籍交流及《唐历》东传日本时间的基础上,探讨《唐历》中的日本记事,进而分析《唐历》和《明文抄》的关系。最后,结语部分归纳总结本文的研究重点。全文围绕唐代史官柳芳私撰的《唐历》,在充分吸收国内外先行研究的基础上,深入探讨《唐历》在中日两国的流布情况,进一步认识和理解中日书籍交流的原因、特点和历史意义。
[Abstract]:As we all know, the cultural exchanges between China and Japan have a long history and have a long history. "the mountains and rivers are different, the wind and the moon are the same day". There are two people who bear the burden of cultural communication, one is people and the other is things. The exchange of books between China and Japan can be traced back to the Qin and Han dynasties. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Japan sent envoys to China to buy books and study Chinese culture. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the exchange of books between China and Japan was active and unprecedented, which became a major feature of the cultural exchanges between China and Japan at that time. Tang Li is a famous historian in the middle of Tang Dynasty who wrote private historical works. Chronological style became a valuable basis for later generations to write Tang history, and it also played a very important role in compiling general history. As soon as it became popular in the world, people rushed to copy it, resulting in different versions. After the turbulent times of war, the contents of the two Song dynasties changed significantly, and the Song and Yuan dynasties were eventually lost. However, Japanese literature records show that Liu Fang's Tangli was spread to Japan as early as 9th century. Moreover, Tang Li is an important reference material for Japanese to compile historical books or write personal diaries at that time. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. First, there are three sections in the introduction. The first section describes the research object, the second section summarizes the research in advance, the third section indicates the research methods. The first chapter is a brief introduction to Liu Fang and Tang Li, which mainly introduces Liu Fang's continuous compilation of the History of the Nation and the beginning and end of compiling the Tang Calendar. The second chapter is about the spread and loss of Tang Li in China. This paper narrates the style content, the circulating edition and the lost time of Tang Li, and emphatically analyzes the relationship between Tang Li and "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and "Zi Zhi Tong Jian Kao Yi Yi". The third chapter is about the distribution of "Tang Li" in Japan. On the basis of an overview of the exchange of books between China and Japan and the time of the eastward transmission of the Japanese calendar, this paper discusses the Japanese chronicles in the Tang calendar, and then analyzes the relationship between the "Tang calendar" and the "plain-written copy". Finally, The conclusion part summarizes the research emphases of this paper. The full text revolves around the Tang Dynasty historian Liu Fang's "Tang calendar", on the basis of fully absorbing the domestic and foreign advance research, deeply discusses the distribution of "Tang Li" in China and Japan. Further understanding and understanding of the reason, characteristics and historical significance of book exchange between China and Japan.


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