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发布时间:2018-03-10 11:04

  本文选题:刘宋 切入点:寒人 出处:《山西大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 寒人问题是魏晋南北朝史研究的热门问题,讨论这一问题的文章很多,但从刘宋一朝与寒人的兴起的关系这一角度进行探讨的文章还比较少见。笔者发现南朝刘宋时期的社会生活、政治制度等方面发生了很大的变化,导致长期占统治地位的门阀制度开始走向了衰落,而寒人的地位在这一时期则有了很大的提高,这对日后的历史产生了一定的影响。本文主要以魏晋南北朝正史中的记载为研究对象,运用实证与分析的方法对刘宋王朝与寒人兴起的关系进行分析。 本文首先叙述了刘宋时期寒人兴起的表现。公元420年,刘裕建立宋朝,这不只是一个新王朝的建立,更代表了一个新时代的来临,代表了门阀政治的衰落以及皇权政治的重新确立。刘裕出身于寒门,夺取天下所依靠的主要力量也大都出身于寒门。因此,在刘宋时期,寒人地位有了极大的提高,他们典掌机要、出将入相,成为社会中的支配性力量。 第二部分分析了刘宋时期寒人能够大量兴起的社会条件。寒人的兴起,有其自身的因素,也有社会风尚造成的原因。士族这一阶级整体地位的衰落,使得士族、寒族两个阶级的力量对比发生了变化,这有利于寒人的崛起。士族的衰败,在于他们自身的腐朽、无能,而寒人凭借着自己的才华跻身于统治阶层的行列。 第三部分分析了刘宋时期寒人能够大量兴起的政治条件。这部分从政治制度和宗室内乱两部分进行分析。刘宋时期,尚书、中书等中央官制的变化以及典签地位的上升为寒人的兴起提供了机会。刘宋时期宫廷内乱不断发生,一些寒人通过参与宫廷斗争,获得了重用。 第四部分分析了刘宋时期寒人兴起的影响。首先肯定了刘宋时期寒人的兴起对于社会历史发展的积极作用,但寒人由于其自身及历史的原因,不可避免的还具有一定的局限性,因此寒人的兴起也产生了一些消极的影响,在科举制出现后,这种情况才得到了一些改变。 寒人在刘宋时期已经成了重要的历史构成部分,他们在政治、经济上已经崛起,不断影响着社会的各个方面并对隋唐以后的历史有着深远的影响,所以对于寒人的研究不仅有助于丰富魏晋南北朝史的研究,并且对于现实社会也有着很积极的意义。
[Abstract]:The issue of cold people is a hot issue in the history of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties. There are many articles discussing this issue. However, from the perspective of the relationship between Liu and Song Dynasty and the rise of the Cold Man, the article is relatively rare. The author finds that the social life and political system of the Southern Dynasty and the Song Dynasty have undergone great changes. The system of door warlords, which had long dominated the country, began to decline, and the status of the cold man had been greatly improved during that period. This has a certain impact on the history of the future. This paper mainly takes the records in the history of Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern dynasties as the research object, and analyzes the relationship between the Liu and Song dynasties and the rise of the Cold Man by the method of demonstration and analysis. This paper first describes the performance of the rise of the Cold Man in the Liu Song Dynasty. In 420 AD, Liu Yu established the Song Dynasty, which is not only the establishment of a new dynasty, but also represents the advent of a new era. It represents the decline of the door warlord politics and the re-establishment of the imperial power politics. Liu Yu was born in the cold gate, and most of the main forces on which the world was seized came from the cold gate. Therefore, during the Liu and Song dynasties, the status of the cold people was greatly improved. They take charge of the machine, will come into the phase, become the dominant force in society. The second part analyzes the social conditions under which the cold people were able to rise in large numbers during the Liu and Song dynasties. The rise of the cold people has its own factors as well as the causes of social fashion. The strength balance of the two classes of the Han nationality has changed, which is beneficial to the rise of the cold people. The decline of the gentry lies in their own decay and incompetence, and the cold people are among the ruling classes by virtue of their talent. The third part analyzes the political conditions under which the cold people can rise in large numbers during the Liu and Song dynasties. This part is analyzed from the political system and the internal strife of the clans. The changes of the central official system such as the Chinese book and the rise of the official status of the central government provided an opportunity for the rise of the cold man. During the period of Liu and Song dynasties, the civil strife of the court occurred constantly, and some cold people gained the reuse by taking part in the court struggle. The 4th part analyzes the influence of the rise of the cold man in the Liu Song Dynasty. Firstly, it affirms the positive effect of the rise of the cold person in the Liu Song Dynasty on the social and historical development, but the cold person because of its own and historical reasons. Inevitably there are some limitations, so the rise of cold people also has some negative effects, after the emergence of the imperial examination system, this situation has been changed. Cold people have become an important part of history in the Liu and Song dynasties. They have risen politically and economically, constantly influencing all aspects of society and having a profound impact on the history after the Sui and Tang dynasties. Therefore, the study of Cold Man is not only helpful to enrich the history of Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties, but also has a very positive significance to the real society.


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