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发布时间:2018-03-27 14:27

  本文选题:唐代流人 切入点:流放制度 出处:《陕西师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:“流人”是指被依法流放的人。唐代刑法分笞、杖、徒、流、死五种。在唐代289年间,被流放的犯人不少,形成一种较为特殊的社会群体,值得我们进行深入研究。本文拟在前人研究的基础上,追溯“流人”的源流,从流刑的实施程序、流人的时代特征和地理分布等方面对唐代流人所涉及的问题进行全面、系统的研究。全文分为五个部分: 第一部分,总结以往学者对唐代流人问题的研究,吸收其成果,指出其不足。前人对流人问题的研究主要集中在部分地域上,尤以岭南地区的流人研究最为显著,而流人的时代特征和影响流人地理分布的因素等问题,则很少有人涉及,因此,在这些方面还有深入研究的必要。 第二部分,研究唐律对流人的相关规定。论述实施流刑的基本程序,指出流人要经历宣判罪行、押解流放及在流放地进行改造三个步骤。唐律对流人身份的确定、流人的流放旅程,以及流人在流放地的管理都有明确的规定。 第三部分,研究唐代流人的时代特征。唐代前期宫廷政变频繁,产生了大量政治流人,这些人原先的身份、地位高,带有因连坐流放造成的家族聚居特征,多被流往南方地区的岭南道。到了中、后期,岭南道仍有大量流人分布,只是他们的身份、地位逐步降低,谋反、连坐的流人多是安史之乱的叛将和地方藩镇的叛乱者。在后期,因宦官专权造成的宦官流人的不同待遇则是这一时期最显著的特征。 第四部分,研究唐代流人的地理分布。唐代流人分布在11道中,各道流人在前、中、后期数量不同,以西北地区的关内道和南方地区的岭南道、剑南道为主。国家政策、阶级属性、犯罪性质和流放地的自然环境,都是影响流人分布差异的重要因素。 第五部分,对唐代流人进行评析。唐朝统治者在承袭隋制的前提下,制定了新的流刑以适应实际需要。唐代流人对流放地的开发有巨大的推动作用,他们以自己的智慧和劳动促进了当地经济、文化的发展。 本文主要是对唐代的流刑及流放制度进行系统梳理,在此基础上,全面研究了唐律对流人的规定、流人的时代特征、地理分布,并对唐代流人进行了评析,这些工作对唐代流人相关问题的研究将会有一些实际的推动作用。
[Abstract]:"exile" means a person who has been exiled according to law. The criminal law of the Tang Dynasty was divided into five categories: canes, canes, apostles, liu and death. During the period of 289 years in the Tang Dynasty, there were quite a number of prisoners in exile, forming a relatively special social group. On the basis of previous studies, this paper intends to trace back to the source of "wandering people" and make a comprehensive analysis of the problems involved in the Tang Dynasty from the aspects of the implementation procedure, the characteristics of the times and the geographical distribution of the floating people. The thesis is divided into five parts:. In the first part, the author summarizes the previous researches on the problem of wandering people in the Tang Dynasty, absorbs the results and points out its inadequacies. The previous researches on convective people are mainly focused on some regions, especially in the Lingnan region, where the study of wandering people is the most obvious. However, the characteristics of the times and the factors that influence the geographical distribution of the wandering people are seldom discussed. Therefore, it is necessary to study these aspects in depth. In the second part, the author studies the relevant regulations of the convective person in Tang Dynasty, discusses the basic procedure of carrying out the convective punishment, and points out that the exiled person has to go through three steps, namely, the crime of sentencing, the exile under escort and the reform in the place of exile, and the determination of the identity of the convective person in the Tang Dynasty. The journey of exile and the management of exiles in the place of exile are clearly defined. In the third part, we study the characteristics of the times of the wandering people in the Tang Dynasty. In the early Tang Dynasty, the palace coups frequently produced a large number of political migrants. These people were originally of high status and had the characteristics of family settlement caused by even sitting in exile. Most of them flow to Lingnan Road in the southern region. In the middle and late stages, there are still a large number of displaced people in Lingnan Road, but their status gradually decreases and they rebel. In the later period, the different treatment of eunuchs caused by eunuchs was the most prominent feature. The fourth part is to study the geographical distribution of the displaced people in the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, the number of displaced people is different in the first, middle and later stages of the 11 ways. The main reasons are the Guan Nai Dao in the Northwest region and the Lingnan Road and the South Dao in the South. The class attribute, the nature of crime and the natural environment of exile are all the important factors that influence the distribution of wandering people. In the fifth part, the author analyzes the wandering people in the Tang Dynasty. On the premise of inheriting the Sui system, the rulers of the Tang Dynasty formulated a new floating penalty to meet the actual needs. The Tang Dynasty exiles played a great role in promoting the development of the exile areas. With their own wisdom and labor, they promoted the development of local economy and culture. Based on the systematic analysis of the system of floating punishment and exile in the Tang Dynasty, this paper makes a comprehensive study of the regulations of the Tang Dynasty, the characteristics of the times and the geographical distribution of the wandering people, and makes an analysis of the wandering people in the Tang Dynasty. These work will have some practical impetus to the study of the related problems in Tang Dynasty.


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1 张才良;;李白流夜郎的法律分析[A];中国李白研究(1992-1993年集)[C];1992年

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1 韩鹤进;唐代流人问题研究[D];陕西师范大学;2004年




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