本文选题:《闲窗录梦》 切入点:穆齐贤 出处:《中央民族大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:穆齐贤之日记《闲窗录梦》(以下简称《闲窗》)是一部珍贵的满文文献。该书记载了自道光八年至十五年,穆齐贤一家以及其亲友的日常生活。日记对当时京城旗人生活、物价、商业、习俗的记载颇为详细,是其它史料难以比拟的。故笔者以《闲窗》为基础,参考其它有关史料、研究成果,试图较深入地分析有关清中叶京旗生活的问题。 本文共五章。第一章《闲窗录梦作者考》利用日记及其它史料澄清前人对日记作者的误解,并考证作者的真实身份;第二章《闲窗录梦中的王府值班生活》,考证清代亲王府内部官员结构、官员的值班生活,以及穆齐贤个人在王府的经历;第三章《闲窗录梦中的社会生活》,首先统计穆家的收入、支出、寅食卯粮的生活方式。其次研究北城住房与房屋出租;第四章《闲窗录梦中的京城商业》考证旧京茶馆、书店业和碓房的经营;第五章《闲窗录梦中的旗人教育及科场》分别探讨京城私塾和八旗翻译考试作弊的问题。
[Abstract]:Mu Qixian's Diary "A Dream of the Leisure window" (hereafter referred to as "the Leisure window") is a precious Manchu document. The book chronicles the daily life of the Muqixian family and their relatives and friends from eight to fifteen years of Taoism. The diary is about the life and prices of the flag people in the capital at that time. The record of commerce and custom is quite detailed, which is incomparable to other historical materials. Therefore, based on the "leisure window" and referring to other relevant historical materials, the author tries to analyze deeply the problems concerning the life of the Beijing Banner in the middle of Qing Dynasty. There are five chapters in this paper. The first chapter, "A study of the authors of the Dream-taking by the Leisure window", clarifies the misunderstanding of the diaries by the predecessors and verifies the true identity of the authors by using diaries and other historical materials. Chapter two, "the working on duty of Wang Fu in the dream of the leisure window", is a textual research on the structure of the officials, the life of the officials on duty, and the personal experience of Mu Qixian in the palace of the Qing Dynasty. Chapter three "Social Life in the Dream of Leisure window", first of all, statistics on the income and expenditure of Mu's family, and the way in which Yin eats food and food. Secondly, the study of housing and rental of houses in Beicheng; chapter four, "Commerce of Beijing in the dream of leisure windows", through textual research on the Old Beijing Teahouse, Chapter 5 "Flag Man Education and Science Field in the Dream of Free window" discusses the problem of cheating in the translation examination of Beijing Private School and eight Banner respectively.
相关会议论文 前3条
1 赵令志;;《闲窗录梦》杂考[A];清代政治制度与民族文化学术研讨会论文集[C];2010年
2 叶真铭;;关于清代最早开铸大钱的探讨[A];齐鲁钱币(创刊号)[C];2011年
3 丁芝;;新疆红钱中的趣味币[A];西部金融·钱币研究2010年增刊总第四期[C];2010年
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1 关康;《闲窗录梦》研究[D];中央民族大学;2011年
2 王启明;西天山南北通道研究:18世纪中叶—19世纪[D];新疆师范大学;2011年
3 李阳;许乃z@与瑞芍轩诗钞研究[D];新疆师范大学;2011年
4 李桂娟;刘宝楠《论语正义》探析[D];安徽大学;2012年
5 游励;清代闽籍册封琉球使及其著作考[D];福建师范大学;2010年
6 柏荣;清代福建社会救济研究[D];福建师范大学;2011年
7 刘果肖;宝直局初探[D];河北师范大学;2012年