本文选题:清代 + 酒令 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:清代是酒令的繁荣时期,酒令作品层次不穷。酒令作为一种文化现象,它的发展离不开社会经济背景,更离不开社会群体的参与,社会经济的进步为酒令的繁荣提供了沃土。 本文分为三个部分。首先介绍中国古代酒令的产生和演变过程。酒令起源于先秦的酒礼,以节制饮酒为目的。自魏晋以后,酒令向娱乐化方向转变,人们把文学、游戏、舞蹈移入酒令,酒令遂成为中国传统文化上的一朵奇葩。第二部分对清代酒令著作进行全面梳理,包括作者的生活背景和作品文献分析,并尝试对清代酒令重新分类。清代酒令作品的分布呈现出明显的差异化分布:一是地域差异,作者几乎全部生活于南方;二是时间差异,清代前期的作品也占压倒性优势。关于酒令的分类,笔者总结前人的经验,根据酒令的性质将其分为六大类别,分别是角色扮演类、口头文字类、射覆类、博戏类、手势类和杂类。口头文字类中的酒令以经史百家、诗词歌赋为主;射覆类酒令比较古老,是一种猜谜游戏;博戏类酒令内容庞大,受流行于社会各个阶层;手势类,顾名思义,主要是传统的划拳酒令;杂类为古代接近消亡的酒令,或是酒令中的旁枝末流。第三部分是清代酒令的文化内涵。清代酒令是中国传统文化的一部分,同时也具有鲜明的时代特点,反映了当时的文化色彩。此外,清代酒令包含了丰富的传统文化,为我们今天重新审视传统文化提供了一个新的视角。
[Abstract]:The Qing Dynasty was the prosperous period of wine order, and the level of wine making works was not poor.As a cultural phenomenon, the development of wine order is inseparable from the social and economic background, but also from the participation of social groups. The progress of social economy provides fertile ground for the prosperity of wine order.This paper is divided into three parts.First of all, the emergence and evolution of ancient Chinese wine order is introduced.Wine order originated in the pre-Qin period of wine ceremony, in order to control alcohol for the purpose.Since the Wei and Jin dynasties, wine order changed to entertainment, people transferred literature, games and dance into wine order, so wine order became a wonderful flower in Chinese traditional culture.The second part makes a comprehensive analysis of the Qing Dynasty Liquor order works, including the author's life background and literature analysis, and attempts to re-classify the Qing Dynasty Liquor order.The distribution of the works in the Qing Dynasty is obviously different: first, the regional differences, the authors almost all live in the south; second, the time difference, the early Qing Dynasty works also occupy an overwhelming advantage.On the classification of wine order, the author summarizes the previous experience, according to the nature of wine order is divided into six categories, namely, role playing, oral writing, overshoot, Bo drama, gesture and miscellaneous.The wine order in the oral writing category is mainly composed of a hundred classics and poems and songs; the wine order of overwriting is relatively old and is a guessing game; the wine in the Boxingxi category is very large in content and popular in all walks of society; the gesture type, as the name implies,Mainly the traditional order of boxing wine; the miscellaneous is the ancient wine order near the end, or the wine order in the side branches of the end of the flow.The third part is the cultural connotation of liquor order in Qing Dynasty.Liquor order in Qing Dynasty is a part of Chinese traditional culture, and also has distinct characteristics of the times, reflecting the cultural color of that time.In addition, the Qing Dynasty Liquor order contains rich traditional culture, which provides a new perspective for us to re-examine the traditional culture today.
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