本文选题:家训 + 颜氏家训 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:北齐颜之推的《颜氏家训》主要是反映士族家庭生活的,本文试图从考察《颜氏家训》入手,对《颜氏家训》中所反映出的士族文化进行研究,并且通过与《袁氏世范》的对比,探求士族文化的基本特征。 第一章至第五章以《颜氏家训》为研究对象,探讨南北朝时期士族文化的特征,,试图对南北朝时期的士族文化有一个基本的认识。 文章从《颜氏家训》的“归心篇”入手,考察颜氏的佛教信仰。佛教文化在魏晋南北朝时期处于深入发展的阶段,上层的知识分子直接参与了佛教的翻译和传播,佛教对中国文化的影响是巨大的。研究南北朝时期的士族文化,佛教是一个不能被忽视的重要内容。“归心篇”作为《颜氏家训》二十篇之一,集中了颜之推对佛教的理解。 士族阶层贵族文化的另一个重要的表现,是对文学的追求。文学意识觉醒于魏晋时期,逐渐在士族阶层中间繁荣发展起来,对文学的追求既是当时士族阶层的文化时尚,也是家学传承的一项重要内容。文学的文化特质不同于士族阶层传统的家学——经学,甚至与传统儒家经学的文化特质相背离,这是颜之推所担心的。笔者认为,对文学的追求与门阀士族的发展之间有着微妙而重要的联系,有必要深入思考和探讨。 对人物的品评,反映出颜氏所代表的士族家庭的观念和文化价值取向。文章从历代人物和传说人物两个方面做了分析考察。 《颜氏家训》所体现出来的士族文化是一种贵族文化,他们既有富足的物质生活保障,同时又拥有其他阶层所无法企及的文化优势,因此他们能够演绎出中国古代知识分子最为优雅与艺术的人生,他们的贡献在于在纷乱的历史时期中保留了中国的传统文化,使中国传统文化继续发展并有所创建,这不是一蹴而就的,是经过了长时期的酝酿和积淀的,这种酝酿与积淀有赖于南北朝时期士族阶层努力与挣扎。 第六章把《袁氏世范》与《颜氏家训》相比较,重要的差异就是贵族文化的消失。《袁氏世范》将世人分为“贵人、富人、中产之家、贫人、佃客婢仆”,这种分类已经不存在文化因素的考虑,而是一种财富视角的划分。 《袁氏世范》显示,这些阶层之间具有很大的流动性。对文化的垄断和二三百年家学的积淀与传承,使得南北朝时期的门第士族与其他阶层之间有着无法攀越的藩篱,但是《袁氏世范》所反映出的宋代社会富人与贫者之间并无这样的藩篱存在。丧失了对文化的垄断地位,不再具有文化优势,是存在了二三百年之久,甚至更长时间的士族阶层退出历史舞台的根本原因。 最后在结语中,总结了《颜氏家训》的文化价值与意义。
[Abstract]:Yan Zhi-tzu 's "Yan's Family instructions" in Northern Qi Dynasty is mainly a reflection of the family life of the gentry. This paper attempts to study the literati culture reflected in "Yan's Family instructions" from the perspective of "Yan's Family instructions". And through the comparison with Yuan Shi Fan, this paper explores the basic characteristics of the literati culture. The first to fifth chapters take Yan's Family instructions as the research object, discusses the characteristics of the literati culture in the Southern and Northern dynasties, and attempts to have a basic understanding of the literati culture in the Southern and Northern dynasties. This article begins with the return to the Heart of Yan's Family instructions, and examines Yan's Buddhist beliefs. Buddhist culture in Wei Jin Southern and Northern dynasties period is in a deep development stage the upper intellectuals directly participate in the translation and dissemination of Buddhism Buddhism has a huge impact on Chinese culture. Buddhism is an important content which can not be ignored when studying the culture of the literati in the Southern and Northern dynasties. Gui Xin, as one of the twenty articles of Yan's Family Dharma, concentrates Yan Zhi-tzu 's understanding of Buddhism. Another important expression of aristocratic culture is the pursuit of literature. The literary consciousness awoke in the Wei and Jin dynasties, and gradually flourished and developed among the gentry. The pursuit of literature was not only the cultural fashion of the literati at that time, but also an important content of the inheritance of the family. The cultural characteristics of literature are different from the traditional Confucian classics, and even deviate from the traditional Confucian classics, which is what Yan Zhi-yu worried about. The author believes that there is a subtle and important connection between the pursuit of literature and the development of the patriarchal clan, so it is necessary to think deeply and discuss it. The comments on the characters reflect the concept and cultural value orientation of the noble family represented by Yan. The article makes an analysis and investigation from the characters and legends of the past dynasties. The noble culture embodied in Yan's Family instruction is a kind of aristocratic culture. They not only have rich material security, but also have cultural advantages beyond the reach of other classes. Therefore, they can deduce the most elegant and artistic life of ancient Chinese intellectuals. Their contribution lies in the preservation of Chinese traditional culture in the turbulent historical period, and the continued development and creation of Chinese traditional culture. This was not accomplished overnight, but after a long period of gestation and accumulation, which depended on the efforts and struggles of the literati in the Northern and Southern dynasties. The sixth chapter compares "Yuan Shi Fan" with "Yan's Family instruction", and the important difference is the disappearance of aristocratic culture. < Yuan Shi Fan > divides the world into "nobles, rich people, middle class families, poor people, maidservant tenants and maidservants". This kind of classification does not have the cultural factor consideration, but a kind of wealth angle of view division. Yuan Shi Fan shows that there is great mobility among these strata. The monopoly on culture and the accumulation and inheritance of 200 or 300 years of family studies made the clan and other strata of the Southern and Northern dynasties unable to climb the fence between them. However, there is no such barrier between the rich and the poor in Song Dynasty reflected in Yuan Shi Shi Fan. The loss of the monopoly on culture and the loss of cultural superiority are the fundamental reasons for the scholars who have existed for two or three hundred years or more to withdraw from the historical stage. Finally, in the conclusion, the author summarizes the cultural value and significance of Yan's Family instruction.
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