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发布时间:2018-04-23 16:05

  本文选题:宋代 + 常平仓 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:西汉宣帝年间,就已经在北部边远的地区设置常平仓,后几经兴废。到了宋代,常平仓有了更显著的发展。 宋代常平仓的设置遍布了全国各地。太宗淳化三年,常平仓只是作为一种平抑粮价的临时性机构,设置在京城四门。真宗景德三年才真正推广开来,遍布京东、京西、河北、河东、陕西、淮南、江南、两浙等全国大部分地区。仁宗康定年间,常平仓的设置在宋境大部分地区才算是真正落实。同时,常平仓的设置还遍布于宋代的路、州、县三级机构。神宗时期,常平仓有了新的发展,主要是将常平仓充作青苗本钱借贷给民户。其间,就常平仓是否单一实行青苗敛散有过反复争论,最终常平仓保留了半籴粜、半敛散的状态。哲宗即位之初,高太后掌权,起用保守派。元yP元年二月,罢青苗法,常平仓籴粜旧法得以单行,但同年四月,朝廷又重行常平敛散之法,并且收息要低于熙丰时期。元yP元年八月,又经朝中保守派建议,最终决定废除青苗法,回复常平旧法。哲宗亲政之后,重行新法,常平仓回到了半籴粜、半敛散的元丰旧态。元符三年,常平仓出粜与放贷迭加配合,有了新的发展。此后直到北宋灭亡,常平仓的变化不大。南宋时期,关于常平敛散的存废有一番曲折,直到建炎二年,加诸在常平仓上的青苗法得以最终废除。此后,南宋常平仓基本上没有太大的波动。 宋代十分重视仓储建设,尤其是常平仓,更有相关的职官机构负责仓体的管理、维护和运行。宋代常平仓在不同时期的管理机构不尽相同,并从中央到地方发生了较大变化。常平仓在设立之初,中央并没有相应的管理机构。真宗前期,朝廷开始命司农寺专管;大中祥符年间改由三司提领。神宗熙宁时期,王安石变法后常平仓又转归司农寺主管;元丰行新官制,常平仓事宜则转归户部右曹主管。南宋初期,仍由户部右曹管理。至于地方的常平仓则主要由各路提举常平司主管,当中也发生了些许变化,如北宋初期并无提举常平司机构;南宋时罢提举常平司归提点刑狱司,还曾一度归经制司主管,后将提举常平司与提举茶盐司合并为提举常平茶盐司等等。显而易见,两宋常平仓管理机构的变更相当频繁。其中,最引人注目的是设于北宋王安石变法时期的提举常平司制度,它当时的全称为“提举常平广惠仓兼农田水利差役事”。它既是地方行政机构,又是路级监察体制的重要组成部分,无论对宋代政治体制改革还是经济文化发展均起到了重要作用。 宋代常平仓相较于历代常平仓而言,其功能也更加多样化。除了本有的平籴平粜功能之外,还增加了新的内容,如常平本充作青苗法贷本、支为军用、兴修水利、修筑城寨、镇压夷变、上供国库、救济流民、消盗贼、助育儿、贷粮种、养乞丐、设政区、赈降人、援旁郡等等类似济世惠民的新职能,这在一定程度上反映了宋代统治者的“恤民”思想。 宋代常平仓的发展过程中也存在一些问题,导致时人后世对常平仓有诸多批判。常平仓的弊端主要有:常平钱粮遭到挪用;官吏管理不善;常平仓本身制度存在漏洞等等。朝廷也多次颁布法令,规范官员行为来解决这些问题。
[Abstract]:During the reign of Emperor Wu of the West Han Dynasty , a common silo had been set up in the area far from the northern side , and after several years of prosperity , there had been a more significant development in the Song Dynasty .

During the reign of Emperor Taizong , the Standing Committee decided to abolish the old law in the Song Dynasty . At the same time , the Standing Committee decided to abolish the old law in the Song Dynasty . At the same time , the Standing Committee decided to abolish the old law in the Song Dynasty .

The Song Dynasty paid great attention to the construction of the warehouse , especially the ordinary warehouse , and the relevant functional officer was responsible for the management , maintenance and operation of the warehouse . The common storehouse in the Song Dynasty varied from the central to the place .
During the period of Emperor Xianning , Wang Anshi changed the law , and returned to the head of the Commander - in - chief .
In the early period of the Southern Song Dynasty , Cao Cao , the head of the head of the household , still managed by Cao Cao , the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head of the head .
At the time of the Southern Song Dynasty , it was suggested that the Changping Division should be referred to the prison division and once belonged to the chief executive of the Division . After that , it was obvious that the changping division of the two Song Dynasty was quite frequent . Among them , the most notable change was established in the period of Wang Anshi in the Northern Song Dynasty . It was called the " Tiao Changping Guanghang and Farmland Water Conservancy " . It is both a local administrative institution and an important part of the road level monitoring system . It plays an important role in the political system reform in the Song Dynasty or the development of economic and cultural development .

In addition to the Pinggu Ping ' s functions , new contents are added . In addition to the Pinggu Ping ' s functions , new functions are added , such as Changpingben as the loan book of Qinghai - Miao Law , for military , building and water conservancy , building a city camp , suppressing the barbarian , feeding the treasury , helping the homeless people , relieving the thief , helping the child , lending the grain , supporting the beggar , setting up a political zone , relieving the relief , assisting the county , etc . , and so on , which reflects the " T - people " thought of the rulers of the Song Dynasty .

There are some problems in the development of Chang ' an in the Song Dynasty , which has led to a lot of criticism to the common silo in the later generations of Song Dynasty .
Officials are poorly managed ;
There is a flaw in the common silo ' s own system , and the imperial court has also issued decrees many times to regulate official acts to solve these problems .



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