发布时间:2018-04-23 16:59
本文选题:唐宪宗 + 藩镇割据 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 自安史之乱以后,藩镇割据成为制约唐朝内外政策和国力恢复的重要因素。代宗时期,刚刚经历大乱之后唐朝承认安史残余势力割据,德宗试图削平叛镇,结果以失败告终,被迫采取姑息政策。元和时期,宪宗在宰臣支持下,整顿吏治,采取强硬政策,平定各地叛乱藩镇,史家称之“元和中兴”。论文主要考察宪宗平定藩镇叛乱及其相关问题,论文重视考察宪宗平定藩镇的客观条件和主观努力,详细分析历次对藩镇战争的过程。本文大体上可以分为四个部分。 第一部分为本文第一章,主要讨论元和初年的藩镇形势以及宪宗朝对藩镇政策。论文考察各种类型的藩镇及其分布,以及这些藩镇与朝廷的关系,分析朝廷对藩镇政策的形成及其原因。 第二部分由第二、三、四章组成,从政治、经济、民族关系角度,分析元和平定藩镇战争的主要影响因素和条件。其中第二章考察中央决策机制和对军事决策的影响,分析宰相和翰林学士在决策中的地位,并对宦官势力的影响进行较为客观的评价。第三章分析元和时期的财政、军事供给对平叛战争的影响,特别是考察“两税法”和“三司使”体制所起的作用。第四章从民族关系的角度,考察平定藩镇战争时的外部环境。元和时期,唐与南诏、回鹘关系稳定,与吐蕃基本保持和平状态。这种状况,有利于唐内部平定藩镇措施的实施。同时,边防问题仍然存在,一定程度上仍制约内部事务处理。 第三部分包括第五章和第六章,详细考证历次战争起因、进程及结局等问题,唐宪宗在位前后约十五年,元和对藩镇战争主要集中在前五年和后五年,可据此将元和平定藩镇的战争分成前后两个时期。元和元年,宪宗打破贞元以来对藩镇妥协的惯例,派兵平定西川刘曗叛乱,开始了元和平叛战争。此后在平叛中相继取得胜利。元和五年,宪宗试图收复成德,战争以妥协的方式告终。元和九年,朝廷再次发动攻势,平定淮西吴元济、淄青李师道,再次讨伐成德,河朔诸镇不得不归附,出现所谓“元和中兴”之局。 第四部分即第七章,对“元和中兴”的成就和局限进行总结。元和年间对藩镇的斗争,打击了藩镇势力,维护了唐朝的统一。但由于未能根除藩镇势力的基础,留下隐患。加上后来若干处置不当,唐宪宗去世后,河朔地区又重新割据,终唐之世未能有所改变。
[Abstract]:Since the Anshi Rebellion, the separation of towns has become an important factor restricting the internal and external policies and the restoration of national strength in the Tang Dynasty. During the generation period, the Tang Dynasty admitted that the remnants of Anshi were separated by the Tang Dynasty, and Dezong tried to crack down on the rebellion, which ended in failure and was forced to adopt a policy of appeasement. In the Yuan and he period, Xianzong rectified the administration of officials under the support of his ministers and adopted a tough policy to calm down the rebellious towns in various places, which historians called "Yuan he ZTE". This paper mainly studies the rebellion of Heanzong pacification and its related problems. It pays much attention to the objective conditions and subjective efforts of Heanzong pacification, and analyzes in detail the process of each war against the town. This paper can be divided into four parts. The first part is the first chapter of this paper. This paper examines various types of towns and their distribution, as well as the relationship between these towns and the court, and analyzes the formation and reasons of the government's policy on the town. The second part consists of the second, third and fourth chapters. From the angle of political, economic and ethnic relations, the paper analyzes the main factors and conditions of the Yuan Dynasty and the pacification of the town war. The second chapter examines the central decision-making mechanism and its influence on military decision-making, analyzes the position of prime minister and Hanlin bachelor in decision-making, and evaluates the influence of eunuch forces objectively. The third chapter analyzes the influence of Yuan he's finance and military supply on the counter-insurgency war, especially the function of the "two tax laws" and the "three divisions" system. The fourth chapter examines the external environment in the pacification of the town war from the angle of ethnic relations. During the Yuan Dynasty, Tang and Nanzhao, Uighur relations were stable, and Tubo basically maintained a state of peace. This situation is conducive to the implementation of the measures to calm down the town in Tang Dynasty. At the same time, border problems still exist, to a certain extent still restrict the handling of internal affairs. On this basis, the Yuan and the war to calm the town of San Francisco can be divided into two periods before and after. In the first year of the Yuan Dynasty, Xianzong broke the convention of compromise on the town since Zhenyuan and sent troops to quell the rebellion in Xichuan. Since then, victory has been achieved in the counter-insurgency. In the five years of the Yuan Dynasty, the constitution tried to regain virtue, and the war ended in compromise. Yuan and nine years, the court again launched an offensive, Huai West Wu Yuan Ji, Ziqing Li Shi Road, again crusade into Germany, the towns had to be attached, the so-called "Yuan and ZTE." The fourth part, the seventh chapter, summarizes the achievements and limitations of Yuan he ZTE. During the Yuan Dynasty, the struggle against the town attacked the power of the town and safeguarded the unity of the Tang Dynasty. But the failure to root out the base of the power of the town left behind hidden dangers. After the death of Tang Xianzong, Heshuo area was separated again, and the Tang Dynasty did not change.
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1 姜海波;唐代河阳镇研究[D];南京师范大学;2013年