本文选题:文字教育 + 汉代 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:汉代的私学十分发达,改变了西周以来“学在官府”的局面,使得广大中下层普通民众有了读书识字的机会。由于汉代的统治者十分重视文字的教育,这一时期的文字教育取得了十分瞩目的成就,推动了社会政治、经济和文化的发展,出现了我国现存最早的识字写字课本《急就篇》,,形成了一些有效的识字写字方法,对后世的文字教育影响深远。 以汉代文字教育作为研究点,在阅读和整理大量相关历史文献资料的基础上,根据汉代文字教育背景,发现汉代的汉字字体、构造理论,文教政策和教育体制等因素对文字教育内容、方式方法有很大影响;通过对汉代的识字教材《仓颉篇》、《急就篇》的个案研究,总结出汉代文字教材的特点和教学方法;运用比较研究法对汉代的文字教育加以系统的分析研究,总结出汉代文字教育对当代小学语文识字、写字教育具有以下经验启示:第一,文字教育应与文字本身特点相结合。根据汉字的语音、字形、字义的特点,选取相应的识字教学方法。第二,文字教育应与人格培养相结合。要深入挖掘文字教材中的思想内容,在文字教育的过程中体现人格示范,在文字教育评价中渗透人格要求。第三,文字教育应与审美教育相结合。深入挖掘文字本身蕴含的美育因素,重视写字和书法教育。
[Abstract]:The private learning of Han Dynasty was very developed, which changed the situation of "learning in the government" since the Western Zhou Dynasty, so that the general and lower classes of ordinary people had the opportunity to read and read. Because the rulers of the Han Dynasty attached great importance to the education of characters, the character education of this period made great achievements and promoted the development of society, politics, economy and culture. The earliest existing text books of character and writing in our country appeared, and some effective writing methods were formed, which had a profound influence on the character education of later generations. On the basis of reading and sorting out a large number of historical documents, and according to the background of Chinese character education in the Han Dynasty, the author finds out the Chinese character font and the construction theory of the Han Dynasty, taking the character education of the Han Dynasty as the research point. The cultural and educational policies and educational system have a great influence on the contents and methods of character education, and the characteristics and teaching methods of the text teaching materials of the Han Dynasty are summarized through the case study of the teaching materials of the Han Dynasty, such as "Changjie" and "hasty". By using the method of comparative research, this paper makes a systematic analysis and study on the character education in the Han Dynasty, and concludes that the character education of the Han Dynasty has the following enlightenments to the Chinese literacy and writing education in the primary school: first, the character education should be combined with the characters of the characters themselves. According to the characteristics of pronunciation, shape and meaning of Chinese characters, the corresponding teaching methods are selected. Second, character education should be combined with personality training. It is necessary to dig into the ideological content of text teaching materials, embody personality demonstration in the course of character education, and permeate personality requirements in the evaluation of character education. Third, character education should be combined with aesthetic education. Deeply excavate the aesthetic education factor contained in the writing itself, attach importance to the writing and calligraphy education.
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