本文选题:李觏 + 礼 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:作为北宋初期的朴素唯物主义哲学家和具有进步倾向的著名思想家,李觏忠实的践行着儒家修齐治平思想。但是由于种种原因,使得他壮志未酬;再加上他在政治方面的鲜有作为,导致他在现代人们心目中沉寂了将近九百余年。直到1922年,胡适先生发现并表彰了李觏的卓越思想,人们才对这一备受冷落但博学多识、忧国忧民的思想家开始加以研究。 其实李觏的思想独特而深刻,他的思想涉及哲学、政治、经济、军事、宗教等等各方面,且自成一体,具有内在的系统性,其思想亦产生较大的影响。而伦理思想又是其哲学思想的核心,直接影响和制约着李觏其他的思想观点。因此,研究李觏先生的伦理思想有着重要的意义。李觏伦理思想中亦有许多是与现代社会有关的东西,比如李觏对道德教育的重视,对物质财富的强调,义与利相统一的观点,等等,都值得我们大力挖掘和弘扬,以为今天的现代精神文明建设服务。 本文试图通过对李觏伦理思想的研究,来揭示他的伦理思想在整个中国传统伦理思想史中的重要地位。强调礼的规范,注重人民的物质利益,其思想在当时无疑是进步的。本文认为,李觏的伦理思想主要体现在以下四个方面:“礼因人情”的道德起源论;“礼含诸德”的道德规范思想;“焉有仁义而不利”的义利观;“立人以善”、“成善以教”的道德教育论。
[Abstract]:As a naive materialism philosopher in the early Northern Song Dynasty and a famous thinker with progressive tendency, Li Gou faithfully practiced the Confucian thought of "Qi Zhi Ping". But for a variety of reasons, his ambition remained unfulfilled, and his lack of political success led to his silence in the eyes of the modern world for nearly nine hundred years. It was not until 1922 that Mr. Hu Shi discovered and commended Li Gou's outstanding thought that people began to study the thinker who was neglected but knowledgeable and worried about the country and the people. In fact, Li Gou's thought is unique and profound, his thought involves philosophy, politics, economy, military affairs, religion and so on. The ethical thought is the core of his philosophical thought, which directly influences and restricts Li Gou's other ideas. Therefore, it is of great significance to study Mr. Li Gou's ethical thought. Many of Li Gou's ethical thoughts are related to modern society, such as Li Gou's emphasis on moral education, his emphasis on material wealth, his view of unity of righteousness and interest, and so on, all of which deserve our great efforts to excavate and carry forward. To serve the construction of modern spiritual civilization today. This paper attempts to reveal the important position of Li Gou's ethics thought in the whole history of Chinese traditional ethics thought through the study of his ethics thought. Emphasizing the norms of propriety and paying attention to the material interests of the people, its thought was undoubtedly progressive at that time. This paper holds that Li Gou's ethical thoughts are mainly embodied in the following four aspects: the moral origin theory of "propriety due to human feelings"; the moral standard thought of "propriety and morality"; the view of righteousness and benefit "having benevolence and righteousness but unfavorable"; the theory of "cultivating a person by virtue"; The moral education theory of "becoming good and teaching".
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