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发布时间:2018-06-28 11:30

  本文选题:东丹国 + 燕云十六州 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:探讨辽朝对东丹国与燕云十六州地区的统治政策是辽朝民族政策研究的重要组成部分之一,对研究辽朝民族统治政策发展变化意义重大。辽朝政权对东丹国与燕云十六州地区均采取了“因俗而治”的统治政策,既有相同之处,亦有不同之处。本文分为四部分: 第一部分:东丹国的建立与燕云十六州的并入。这一部分主要论述了两个内容:第一,辽朝在灭亡渤海国以后,为管理渤海遗民和故土而建立了东丹国;第二,辽太宗通过援立石敬瑭登上帝位而获得了燕云十六州地区。 第二部分:辽朝治理东丹国与燕云十六州中的相同之处。辽朝在获得东丹国与燕云十六州以后,,对这两大地区的统治有着相同之处:政治上表现为均大致保留原有的政权机构、留用部分旧官员,法律上均以唐律治民;经济上则是允许渤海遗民和燕云汉民继续从事农业、手工业、和商业贸易的生产。 第三部分:辽朝治理东丹国与燕云十六州之不同。辽朝给东丹国以极大的特权:政治上实行“国中之国”的体制,经济上则实行纳贡制,民族政策则是将整个东丹国南迁;辽朝在入主燕云十六州地区以后并没有强迫改变其固有之制,而是继续实行其原有的统治方式。 第四部分:辽朝治理东丹国与燕云十六州的意义。东丹国与燕云十六州地区成为辽朝的“左膀右臂”,对辽朝的社会发展产生了深远的影响:拓疆扩土、稳固政权;带动辽朝农业、手工业及商贸业的向前发展;加强南部及东南部边防;加快辽朝封建化进程。 “因俗而治”的民族统治政策对整个辽朝的发展有着十分重要的意义。
[Abstract]:It is of great significance to study the development and change of the Liao Dynasty's national rule policy, which is one of the important components of the Liao Dynasty's national policy research, which is one of the important parts of the Liao Dynasty's ruling policy over the Eastern Dangol and Yanyun's sixteen states. The Liao regime adopted the ruling policy of "governing according to the customs" to the Eastern Dangol and Yanyun 16 states, which had some similarities and differences. This article is divided into four parts: the first part: the establishment of East Denmark and the merger of the sixteen states of Yan Yun. This part mainly discusses two contents: first, the Liao Dynasty established the Dongdan state to manage the people and the native land of the Bohai Sea after the death of Bohai; second, the LiaoTaizong obtained the 16 states of Yan Yun by setting up Shi Jingtang's throne. The second part: the Liao Dynasty governs the east Dan state and the Yan Yun sixteen states in the same place. After the Liao Dynasty obtained the Eastern Dan state and the Yan Yun sixteen states, the rule over these two big areas has the same place: politically, all about retain the original political power organization, retain some old officials, and rule the people by Tang Dynasty; Economically, the Bohai and Yanyun Han peoples were allowed to continue producing agriculture, handicrafts, and commercial trade. The third part: the Liao Dynasty governs the east Dan state and the Yan Yun 16 states difference. The Liao Dynasty gave great privilege to the country of East Denmark: politically, the system of "the country within the country", the system of tributary in the economy, and the national policy was to move the whole country of East Africa to the south; The Liao Dynasty did not force to change its inherent system, but continued to carry out its original ruling mode. The fourth part: the significance of the Liao Dynasty governing East Dan and Yan Yun 16 states. East Danguo and Yanyun Sixteen States became the "right arm" of the Liao Dynasty, which had a profound influence on the social development of the Liao Dynasty: to expand the territory and stabilize the regime, to promote the development of agriculture, handicraft and commerce in the Liao Dynasty; Strengthen the southern and southeast border defense; accelerate the process of feudalization in the Liao Dynasty. The policy of "governing by custom" is of great significance to the development of Liao Dynasty.


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