发布时间:2018-07-21 13:28
【摘要】:本论文以隋代统一进程中不同地域集团之间的关系为线索,通过若干专题的考察,系统探析了结束南北分裂的统一政权隋王朝对全国进行政治整合的过程。在这个过程中所面对的是隋朝政治生活中最大最棘手的问题。作为关陇集团的核心成员和政治代表,隋朝统治者需要履行“承续”——即维护自身所属集团的根本利益的职责。而作为统一帝国的政治总代理人,他们又必须肩负“更始”——即需要调整不同地域势力之间的政治关系的任务,以便在统治利益均衡化的基础上来维持大一统政权的稳固。这种在“承续”与“更始”之间的矛盾是结束大分裂的隋朝所面对的特殊时代命题,这个王朝复杂坎坷的短暂历程都是围绕着这一命题而展开。 本论文首先分析杨隋家族的政治崛起历程,由此来观察这一家族在关陇集团中的派别归属和地位变化。这二者直接影响到开皇前期杨隋家族和关陇勋贵间的复杂关系和激烈斗争,同时也左右着杨坚的亲信集团“四贵”的形成与发展。随后以开皇后期的易储斗争进展为线索,来观察这一时期占据政治优势的关陇集团内部派系的新变化,也是在这一时期,进入统一政权的南方地域势力开始参与隋朝中央政治结构的调整,大一统帝国中不同地域势力之间开始新的政治整合。第三章首先考察隋朝末年长安和洛阳两个留守系统的组成和演变,对比后发现出身关陇集团的李渊是在本集团的支持下夺取了关中地区,而身为南方势力代表的王世充却无法调和东都内部不同地域势力间的纠纷,其实前此的留守系统首领樊子盖和后此的王世充,均陷于不同地域集团在东都的混杂和博弈所造成的窘境中。正是在这种特殊局势下,李唐政权创建者通过凝聚关陇集团势力,先后占据两京,通过对诸地域势力的有效整合而最终取胜。如果说隋朝大一统最终破灭的一个重要因素是统治阶层中的地域集团背景,那么,唐的再统一,或者说在隋朝尚未完成的政治统合进程中的继续前行,仍然离不开这一背景。我们从本章关于长安、洛阳的分析,以及前几章的论述中,处处都可见这一背景在起作用。最后,我们以钦州宁氏家族和永安周氏家族作为个案,来观察以关陇集团为核心的隋唐政治整合过程中南方土著势力的融入及其特点,并从社会转型的角度考察中央政府对这些边缘地区进行文化融合的努力及后者的不同反应。 与已有的相关研究相比,本论文有所创新之处主要表现在以下三个方面。 第一,着重理顺了杨隋家族与关陇集团在政治上的历史渊源。前人研究多侧重关注杨隋家族的族属和其先祖的生活地域,以此来探求杨隋家族与关陇集团的关系。本论文认为这个家族在政治上崛起的关键在于隋文帝杨坚之父杨忠的个人政治历程,他在北魏末年政治乱局中投入独孤信帐下,与之形成政治和私人间的双重君臣关系,这种关系直接影响到杨忠本人西魏时期在关陇集团中的派别归属,更左右着其子杨坚在北周时期政治地位的起伏。而在代周建隋和隋初加强中央集权的过程中,杨隋家族也从这种人脉关系中受益非浅。可以说正是杨忠为其家族确立的派别归属和人脉关系,左右着其子杨坚及其家族后来的政治生命。也正是通过他在西魏北周的诸多政治经历,杨隋家族才与关陇集团形成了特殊的共生关系。这不但影响着后来杨隋家族成员间的关系演变,也左右着这一家族与关陇集团不同派别的亲疏离合。从北魏末杨忠的个人经历来看,他最终跻身关陇集团权力上层不乏历史机缘,但从北朝、隋唐之际的整个历史过程来看,在建立新王朝尤其是统一全国之后杨隋家族与关陇集团不同派别的亲疏离合,却显示出某一种历史必然性。 第二,本论文深入探讨了全国统一之后关陇集团与其它地域集团的整合过程。开皇前期的中央政治斗争主要是在关陇集团内部各派系之间进行。当开皇九年平陈战争结束之后,南方等地域集团开始介入中枢权力结构调整,这主要围绕长达十年的易储斗争展开。时为扬州总管的晋王杨广一方面大力召纳南方士人扩充本身势力,一方面与关陇集团中杨素一系势力交结,在两方面势力支持下迅速开展夺储计划。太子杨勇在婚姻问题上与坚持关陇价值本位的文帝夫妇发生矛盾、亲子关系破裂而失宠的同时,其支持者高颖一系势力又因为政局变动而失势。在对立双方优劣日显的情况下隋文帝最终选择支持杨广,这场易储斗争的背后,显示出统一后不同地域集团之间对立磨合的新景象。 对于大业年间各地域集团的生存状态及相互间的关系演变的认识,学界存在较大差异,有的观点甚至认为到这个时期关陇集团已经不复存在。本论文以隋末长安和东都两个隋朝政治、军事中心及其镇守集团的演变历程为切入点,来观察大业年间不同地域势力间关系的发展。我们发现晋阳起兵后李渊之所以能够迅速占据关中,在于得到所谓“关中盗贼”和郡县官吏这两种关陇集团中的政治失意力量的支持。这两种政治力量大部分不满隋炀帝大业年间政治改革,因此支持出身八柱国家的李渊作为本集团新的政治代理人。在某种程度上来看,李渊速取大兴城更像是一场早已预演好的政变,操纵其演出的就是当时势力依然强大的关陇集团。 与之形成鲜明对比的是东都留守系统的演变过程。从樊子盖负责第一阶段留守一直到王世充伪郑政权覆火,东都内部始终存在着不同地域(主要是关陇和南方)势力之间的矛盾和斗争。东都留守中这种政治格局极为类似大业年间中央权力结构中的矛盾状态。李唐政权完胜伪郑政权可以视作关陇集团在大业年间的政治整合中所丧失利益的一次收复,也是对进入中央政局的其他地域集团的一次清洗。但再次完成统一的李唐王朝依旧继承了隋朝的政治整合策略,关陇集团也不得不与山东、南方等地域集团进行合作与融合。隋朝尤其是隋炀帝时期在政治整合中对各地域势力处理的得失,为李唐继续深化统一的进程提供了前车之鉴。 第三,本论文也注意从地域集团本身的角度来观察北朝统一南朝后,观察他们在融入统一过程中的不同表现并探求其原因。本论文选择了前人在这一角度罕有研究的两个南方边境豪族作为案例:钦州宁氏和永安周氏。前一个家族是位于岭南边疆的崛起于梁陈之际的少数族豪族。在隋朝强大的军事压力下,他们逐渐参与统一政权的各种政治活动,其地域豪族色彩开始消退。但隋朝末年岭南发生动乱后,他们就故态重萌,重新称霸乡里。后一个家族位于长江中游,系南北朝对峙时代中间地带的汉族豪族。其家族代表人物周法尚不但参与了隋朝统一南北的战争,之后更成为隋朝巩固统一政策的执行者。在隋末的乱局中,周氏家族也重新起兵乡里,恢复了旧有势力范围。但随着唐朝再次统一全国,这两个家族重新回归到政治转型的道路上,继续由地方豪族向中央集权制下的帝国官僚转化。这两个地域豪族入唐后先后出现中第进士,其中宁原悌成为岭南第一个进士,周氏后裔周墀不但进士中第,而后还在唐宣宗时出任宰相。另一方面,我们也注意观察这两个家族进入统一政权后在社会身份上的自觉与转变,这主要从其婚姻取向和文化修养两个方面进行考察。相比政治转型,永安周氏的社会转型比地处岭南边境的钦州宁氏要迅速和深入,通过与隋唐两代皇族和高门的不断联姻,周氏家族较为自觉地进行了深层次的自我转型。 通过对这两家族的个案研究,我们发现南北朝分裂时期蕴含在各个地域间的有利于统一的因素,在隋朝多层次的政治整合政策下被调动和发挥出来,不同的地域势力在自觉与不自觉间开始融合进统一的洪流。他们虽然力图保持自身的地域优势,最终的结果却都是徒劳无功。继隋而起的唐朝并未给这些地域豪族恢复旧貌的机会,将他们带入了不可逆转的的政治整合浪潮中。
[Abstract]:This paper, taking the relationship between the different regional groups in the Sui Dynasty as a clue, makes a systematic analysis of the process of the political integration of the Sui Dynasty in the Sui Dynasty, which is the biggest and most difficult problem in the Sui Dynasty. As the core members and political representatives, the rulers of the Sui Dynasty need to perform the responsibility of "continuing" - that is, to maintain the fundamental interests of their own group. And as the general political agent of the United Empire, they must shoulder the "change" - that is, the task of adjusting the political relations between different regional forces in order to balance the rule of interest. The contradiction between "inheriting" and "beginning" is the special time proposition that the Sui Dynasty faces to the end of the big split. The complicated short course of this dynasty revolves around this proposition.
This paper first analyzes the political rise course of the Yang Sui family, thus observing the family affiliation and position change in Guanlong group. These two directly affect the complex relationship and fierce struggle between the Yang Sui family in the early period of the emperor of Kai - Kai and Guan Long Lord, and the formation and development of the "four precious" of Yang Jian's family letter group. In this period, the southern regional forces that entered the unified regime began to participate in the adjustment of the political structure of the Sui Dynasty, and the new politics between different regional forces in the great empire began to start a new politics. In the third chapter, the third chapter first inspects the composition and evolution of the two left behind systems in Changan and Luoyang in the end of the Sui Dynasty. After comparison, it was found that Guan Long Group's Li Yuan was under the support of this group to seize the Guanzhong area, but Wang Shichong, the representative of the southern forces, could not reconcile the disputes between different regional forces in the East. Wang Shichong, the leader of the head of the system, and the latter, were all trapped in the confusion and game of the different regional groups in the East. It was in this special situation that the founder of the Li Tang regime took up two Beijing by condensing the forces of Guanlong group, and won the final victory through the effective integration of the regional power. If Sui Zhaoda said, Sui Zhaoda An important factor in the final disillusionment is the background of the regional group in the ruling class. Then, the reunification of the Tang Dynasty, or the continuation of the Sui Dynasty's unfinished political integration process, is still inseparable from this background. We can see this background from this chapter on the analysis of Changan, Luoyang and the previous chapters. In the end, we take the Ninglong family in Qinzhou and the Zhou family in Yongan as a case to observe the integration and characteristics of the southern Aboriginal forces in the process of the political integration of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, which is the core of the Guanlong group, and to examine the efforts of the central government to carry out cultural integration on these marginal areas and the different counter measures from the angle of social transformation. It should.
Compared with other related researches, the innovation of this paper is mainly manifested in the following three aspects.
First, the historical origin of the Yang Sui family and Guanlong group was straightened out emphatically. The previous studies focused on the family of the Yang Sui family and the living regions of his ancestors, in order to explore the relationship between the Yang Sui family and the Guanlong group. The key to this family's political rise was the father of the Sui Wendi Yang's father Yang Zhong. In the political course of the late Northern Wei Dynasty, he entered the political and private account of the political and private relations with him in the political turmoil of the late Northern Wei Dynasty, which directly affected the factions of Yang Zhong himself in the period of the Western Wei Dynasty in Guan Long group, and the political status of his son Yang Jian during the Northern Zhou Dynasty. And he added to Zhou Jiansui and the early Sui Dynasty. In the process of strong centralization, the Yang Sui family also benefited from this kind of relationship. It can be said that it was the affiliation and relationship between the factions of Yang Zhongwei's family and the political life of his son Yang Jian and his family later. It was through his many political experiences in the Northern Zhou Dynasty of the Western Wei Dynasty that the Yang Sui family was formed with the Guanlong group. The special symbiotic relationship not only influenced the relationship between the members of the Yang Sui family later, but also left the family and the different factions of Guanlong group close together. From the personal experience of Yang Zhong in the late Northern Wei Dynasty, he eventually became a historical opportunity for the upper Guanlong group, but from the northern Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the whole historical process came from the Northern Dynasty. Look, after the establishment of the new dynasty, especially the unification of the whole country, the closeness and separation of the different factions of the Yang Sui family and Guanlong group showed a certain historical inevitability.
Second, this paper discusses the integration process of Guanlong group and other regional groups after the national reunification. The central political struggle in the early period of the emperor opened mainly between the various factions within the Guanlong group. After the end of the nine year war, the South and other regional groups began to intervene in the adjustment of the central power structure, which mainly revolves around the length of the central power structure. On the one hand, Yang Suyi, the king of Jin and Yang Guang, the king of the Yangzhou General Administration, was energetically summoning the southern scholars to expand their own power. On the one hand, he joined the forces of the Yang Suyi system in Guanlong group and carried out the storage plan with the support of the two forces. At the same time, when the relationship of parent-child relationship broke up and fell out of favor, the supporters of Gao Ying were also lost because of the political changes. In the case of the confrontation between the two sides, the Sui Wendi finally chose to support Yang Guang, and behind the easy storage struggle, it showed a new scene of the opposition between the different regional groups after the unification.
There are great differences in the understanding of the state of existence and the evolution of the relationship between the regional groups in the great years of the great industry. Some points of view even think that the Guanlong group has ceased to exist in this period. This thesis is based on the evolution of the two Sui Dynasty politics, the military center and its town group in the end of the Sui and Eastern Changan. The development of the relations between different regional forces during the great years of the great industry, we found that Li Yuan was able to occupy the Guanzhong quickly after the initiation of the army, which was supported by the political disappointments of the two kinds of Guan Long group, the so-called "Guanzhong thieves" and the prefectures and counties. Most of these two political forces were dissatisfied with the political reform in the years of Suiti's great industry. Li Yuan, who supported the eight - column country, is a new political agent for the group. To some extent, Li Yuan's quick withdrawal of Daxing city is more like a previewed coup, which is manipulated by the still powerful Guan Long group.
The formation of the system is in sharp contrast to the evolution process of the left behind system in east capital. From the first stage to Wang Shichong's false Zheng regime, the east capital has always existed contradictions and struggles between the forces of different regions (mainly the Guanlong and the South). The contradictory state of the force structure. The Li Tang regime's victory over the puppet Zheng regime can be regarded as a recovery of the loss of the political integration of Guan Long Group during the great years of political integration and a cleaning of the other regional groups entering the central political situation. But the reunification of the Li Tang Dynasty still inherited the political integration strategy of the Sui Dynasty, and Guan Longji. The regiment also had to cooperate and integrate with Shandong, South and other regional groups. The gains and losses of the Sui Dynasty, especially in the Suiti period, in the political integration of the regional forces, provided a warning for Li Tang to continue to deepen the process of reunification.
Third, this thesis also pays attention to the observation of the different manifestations of their integration in the process of integration and reunification of the Northern Dynasty from the perspective of the regional group itself, and to explore the reasons for their differences in the process of integration into the unification process. This thesis chooses the two southern border Howes as a case: Qinzhou Ningshi and Yongan Zhou. In the border area of South of the Five Ridges, the minority ethnic minority who rose from the border of Liang and Chen. Under the strong military pressure of the Sui Dynasty, they gradually participated in various political activities of the unified regime. The color of the local tyrants began to fade away. But after the unrest of South of the Five Ridges in the last year of the Sui Dynasty, they sprout and recalled the hegemony. The latter family was located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the north and south of the Yangtze River. In the middle of the confrontation, the Han nationality in the middle of the confrontation era. His family representative, Zhou FA Shang, not only participated in the Sui Dynasty's war in the north and the south, but also became the executor of the Sui Dynasty's consolidation and unification policy. In the late Sui Dynasty, the Zhou family restarted the countryside and restored the old forces. But with the reunification of the Tang Dynasty, the two families were reunified throughout the country. On the road of political transformation, the people of the two ethnic groups continue to convert to the imperial bureaucracy under the centralism of the central government. The two regions have appeared in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. Among them, Ningyuan became the first scholar in south of the Five Ridges, and Zhou's descendants were not only the prime minister but also the prime minister in Tang Xuanzong. On the other hand, we were the prime minister. We also pay attention to the consciousness and change of the two families in social identity after their entry into the unified regime. This is mainly from the two aspects of their marriage orientation and cultural accomplishment. Compared to the political transformation, the social transformation of Yongan Zhou's society is faster and deeper than the Qinzhou Ningshi at the border between south of the Five Ridges and the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the two generations of the Royal and Gao men. Broken Union, Zhou family consciously carried out a deep self transformation.
Through the case study of the two families, we find that the division of the northern and Southern Dynasties is beneficial to the unity among the various regions, and has been mobilized and brought into play under the multi level political integration policy of the Sui Dynasty. In the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty did not give them a chance to restore their old features, and brought them into the irreversible wave of political integration.
[Abstract]:This paper, taking the relationship between the different regional groups in the Sui Dynasty as a clue, makes a systematic analysis of the process of the political integration of the Sui Dynasty in the Sui Dynasty, which is the biggest and most difficult problem in the Sui Dynasty. As the core members and political representatives, the rulers of the Sui Dynasty need to perform the responsibility of "continuing" - that is, to maintain the fundamental interests of their own group. And as the general political agent of the United Empire, they must shoulder the "change" - that is, the task of adjusting the political relations between different regional forces in order to balance the rule of interest. The contradiction between "inheriting" and "beginning" is the special time proposition that the Sui Dynasty faces to the end of the big split. The complicated short course of this dynasty revolves around this proposition.
This paper first analyzes the political rise course of the Yang Sui family, thus observing the family affiliation and position change in Guanlong group. These two directly affect the complex relationship and fierce struggle between the Yang Sui family in the early period of the emperor of Kai - Kai and Guan Long Lord, and the formation and development of the "four precious" of Yang Jian's family letter group. In this period, the southern regional forces that entered the unified regime began to participate in the adjustment of the political structure of the Sui Dynasty, and the new politics between different regional forces in the great empire began to start a new politics. In the third chapter, the third chapter first inspects the composition and evolution of the two left behind systems in Changan and Luoyang in the end of the Sui Dynasty. After comparison, it was found that Guan Long Group's Li Yuan was under the support of this group to seize the Guanzhong area, but Wang Shichong, the representative of the southern forces, could not reconcile the disputes between different regional forces in the East. Wang Shichong, the leader of the head of the system, and the latter, were all trapped in the confusion and game of the different regional groups in the East. It was in this special situation that the founder of the Li Tang regime took up two Beijing by condensing the forces of Guanlong group, and won the final victory through the effective integration of the regional power. If Sui Zhaoda said, Sui Zhaoda An important factor in the final disillusionment is the background of the regional group in the ruling class. Then, the reunification of the Tang Dynasty, or the continuation of the Sui Dynasty's unfinished political integration process, is still inseparable from this background. We can see this background from this chapter on the analysis of Changan, Luoyang and the previous chapters. In the end, we take the Ninglong family in Qinzhou and the Zhou family in Yongan as a case to observe the integration and characteristics of the southern Aboriginal forces in the process of the political integration of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, which is the core of the Guanlong group, and to examine the efforts of the central government to carry out cultural integration on these marginal areas and the different counter measures from the angle of social transformation. It should.
Compared with other related researches, the innovation of this paper is mainly manifested in the following three aspects.
First, the historical origin of the Yang Sui family and Guanlong group was straightened out emphatically. The previous studies focused on the family of the Yang Sui family and the living regions of his ancestors, in order to explore the relationship between the Yang Sui family and the Guanlong group. The key to this family's political rise was the father of the Sui Wendi Yang's father Yang Zhong. In the political course of the late Northern Wei Dynasty, he entered the political and private account of the political and private relations with him in the political turmoil of the late Northern Wei Dynasty, which directly affected the factions of Yang Zhong himself in the period of the Western Wei Dynasty in Guan Long group, and the political status of his son Yang Jian during the Northern Zhou Dynasty. And he added to Zhou Jiansui and the early Sui Dynasty. In the process of strong centralization, the Yang Sui family also benefited from this kind of relationship. It can be said that it was the affiliation and relationship between the factions of Yang Zhongwei's family and the political life of his son Yang Jian and his family later. It was through his many political experiences in the Northern Zhou Dynasty of the Western Wei Dynasty that the Yang Sui family was formed with the Guanlong group. The special symbiotic relationship not only influenced the relationship between the members of the Yang Sui family later, but also left the family and the different factions of Guanlong group close together. From the personal experience of Yang Zhong in the late Northern Wei Dynasty, he eventually became a historical opportunity for the upper Guanlong group, but from the northern Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the whole historical process came from the Northern Dynasty. Look, after the establishment of the new dynasty, especially the unification of the whole country, the closeness and separation of the different factions of the Yang Sui family and Guanlong group showed a certain historical inevitability.
Second, this paper discusses the integration process of Guanlong group and other regional groups after the national reunification. The central political struggle in the early period of the emperor opened mainly between the various factions within the Guanlong group. After the end of the nine year war, the South and other regional groups began to intervene in the adjustment of the central power structure, which mainly revolves around the length of the central power structure. On the one hand, Yang Suyi, the king of Jin and Yang Guang, the king of the Yangzhou General Administration, was energetically summoning the southern scholars to expand their own power. On the one hand, he joined the forces of the Yang Suyi system in Guanlong group and carried out the storage plan with the support of the two forces. At the same time, when the relationship of parent-child relationship broke up and fell out of favor, the supporters of Gao Ying were also lost because of the political changes. In the case of the confrontation between the two sides, the Sui Wendi finally chose to support Yang Guang, and behind the easy storage struggle, it showed a new scene of the opposition between the different regional groups after the unification.
There are great differences in the understanding of the state of existence and the evolution of the relationship between the regional groups in the great years of the great industry. Some points of view even think that the Guanlong group has ceased to exist in this period. This thesis is based on the evolution of the two Sui Dynasty politics, the military center and its town group in the end of the Sui and Eastern Changan. The development of the relations between different regional forces during the great years of the great industry, we found that Li Yuan was able to occupy the Guanzhong quickly after the initiation of the army, which was supported by the political disappointments of the two kinds of Guan Long group, the so-called "Guanzhong thieves" and the prefectures and counties. Most of these two political forces were dissatisfied with the political reform in the years of Suiti's great industry. Li Yuan, who supported the eight - column country, is a new political agent for the group. To some extent, Li Yuan's quick withdrawal of Daxing city is more like a previewed coup, which is manipulated by the still powerful Guan Long group.
The formation of the system is in sharp contrast to the evolution process of the left behind system in east capital. From the first stage to Wang Shichong's false Zheng regime, the east capital has always existed contradictions and struggles between the forces of different regions (mainly the Guanlong and the South). The contradictory state of the force structure. The Li Tang regime's victory over the puppet Zheng regime can be regarded as a recovery of the loss of the political integration of Guan Long Group during the great years of political integration and a cleaning of the other regional groups entering the central political situation. But the reunification of the Li Tang Dynasty still inherited the political integration strategy of the Sui Dynasty, and Guan Longji. The regiment also had to cooperate and integrate with Shandong, South and other regional groups. The gains and losses of the Sui Dynasty, especially in the Suiti period, in the political integration of the regional forces, provided a warning for Li Tang to continue to deepen the process of reunification.
Third, this thesis also pays attention to the observation of the different manifestations of their integration in the process of integration and reunification of the Northern Dynasty from the perspective of the regional group itself, and to explore the reasons for their differences in the process of integration into the unification process. This thesis chooses the two southern border Howes as a case: Qinzhou Ningshi and Yongan Zhou. In the border area of South of the Five Ridges, the minority ethnic minority who rose from the border of Liang and Chen. Under the strong military pressure of the Sui Dynasty, they gradually participated in various political activities of the unified regime. The color of the local tyrants began to fade away. But after the unrest of South of the Five Ridges in the last year of the Sui Dynasty, they sprout and recalled the hegemony. The latter family was located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the north and south of the Yangtze River. In the middle of the confrontation, the Han nationality in the middle of the confrontation era. His family representative, Zhou FA Shang, not only participated in the Sui Dynasty's war in the north and the south, but also became the executor of the Sui Dynasty's consolidation and unification policy. In the late Sui Dynasty, the Zhou family restarted the countryside and restored the old forces. But with the reunification of the Tang Dynasty, the two families were reunified throughout the country. On the road of political transformation, the people of the two ethnic groups continue to convert to the imperial bureaucracy under the centralism of the central government. The two regions have appeared in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. Among them, Ningyuan became the first scholar in south of the Five Ridges, and Zhou's descendants were not only the prime minister but also the prime minister in Tang Xuanzong. On the other hand, we were the prime minister. We also pay attention to the consciousness and change of the two families in social identity after their entry into the unified regime. This is mainly from the two aspects of their marriage orientation and cultural accomplishment. Compared to the political transformation, the social transformation of Yongan Zhou's society is faster and deeper than the Qinzhou Ningshi at the border between south of the Five Ridges and the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the two generations of the Royal and Gao men. Broken Union, Zhou family consciously carried out a deep self transformation.
Through the case study of the two families, we find that the division of the northern and Southern Dynasties is beneficial to the unity among the various regions, and has been mobilized and brought into play under the multi level political integration policy of the Sui Dynasty. In the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty did not give them a chance to restore their old features, and brought them into the irreversible wave of political integration.
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