[Abstract]:The literate class is the dominant group in the social leisure culture of the Tang Dynasty, and the leisure culture created by the literate class is an important part of the culture of the Tang Dynasty. The stability of the society and the prosperity of the economy provide the literati with the superior living conditions; the open social atmosphere, the pluralistic ideology and culture enrich the spiritual life of the scholars, and the perfect vacation system, Sufficient leisure space and a prosperous leisure consumption market provide the literati with the necessary conditions for leisure life. All of these have created a prosperous leisure culture of the literati class of the Tang Dynasty.
The writer's leisure mode can be divided into individual leisure and group leisure, individual leisure is divided into literary leisure, art leisure, health care and leisure, etc., paying attention to cultivation and cultivation. The collective leisure can be divided into banquet leisure, sports leisure, entertainment and leisure and so on. Style, the leisure motivation that pays attention to the internal repair, the leisure thought of the three religions together and the leisure mode of elegant and common appreciation, set a model for the leisure life of the scholars in the Song Dynasty and after the scholars.
The literate class, because of its special social status, played a leading role in the leisure culture of the Tang Dynasty and had a great influence on other social strata. From ordinary people to the Buddhist monk Road, Juan prostitute actor was influenced by the literati's leisure culture. The style of the scholar's leisure decided the morale to a certain extent, and the morale was in the atmosphere of the whole society. After the middle Tang Dynasty, the upheaval of the society has made the morale change greatly, the style of the scholar's leisure has gradually become luxurious, the social atmosphere is depressed and depressed, and the state of the Tang Dynasty has fallen into a decline.
The leisure culture of the literati in the Tang Dynasty has a profound influence on Japan, Xinluo and other countries, which have a close cultural connection with the Tang Dynasty, and has an important reference to today's leisure culture.
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