[Abstract]:At the time of the Qing Qianlong Lin Shuangwen incident in Taiwan, the Taichung basin in Taiwan was still under the jurisdiction of Changhua County in the Qing Dynasty, and there were already many Hakkas and Quan in this basin area in the Qianlong Dynasty. Because the Zhangzhou people and Lin Shuangwen mainly attacked the people of Quanzhou and Hakka in this district, making the Hakka, Quanzhou people and even "familiar people" people in this district in danger, So the local "Beizhuang" (located in Shengang District, Taichung City) Hakka Li Anshan (Li Qiaoji) for the "Yimin head", organized the local "Han, Fan" Yi Min Army "to protect themselves. This paper mainly discusses the deeds of Li'an 's benevolent deeds and the evolution of the later generations.
【作者单位】: 龙岩学院闽台客家研究院;
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