[Abstract]:After the founding of the Song Dynasty, it inherited the recruitment system from the middle Tang to the five dynasties and recruited the people into the army in various forms. After enlisting in the army, the soldiers took the army as their occupation, divorced from the original social production activities, and depended on the living materials distributed to them by the Song government. In addition to the recruitment system, the Song Dynasty also retained the form of conscription as a supplement to the recruitment system. Conscription of soldiers did not leave production, Song government in different regions according to a certain proportion of the population. They regularly take part in military training and are sometimes transferred to garrison. The Song government paid them money, grain, or tax deductions. The duties of soldiers consist of war, garrison, training and service. Because of the different military service stationed in different places, these soldiers have different responsibilities. The soldiers stationed on the front lines of the Song Dynasty are busy with military training, garrison, combat, military production and so on, so their lives are relatively compact and have the risk of casualties. The soldiers stationed in the hinterland of the Song Dynasty were partly idle, so that they were slacking off to train and lead a relatively relaxed life. The soldiers, who worked hard for the Song government in different locations, lived extremely hard. Soldiers stationed in the palace guard the emperor's safety and serve as ceremonial ceremonies in the Song Dynasty. Some soldiers under the conscription system are in peacetime production, but when the war comes and the servitude is in urgent need, they must also be recruited for military purposes to perform the same tasks as the regular army. If some soldiers have all kinds of achievements, they can be promoted to rank, but the proportion of such soldiers is only a very rare part of the total number of soldiers. On the one hand, for the ordinary people, joining the army can provide them with a comfortable environment, but they make their lives completely in the military camp, it is very difficult to get rid of military citizenship. There are also threats of death in service and war. Those who force them to join the army are more homesick and tired of war. On the other hand, for those Song people who are skilled in martial arts, joining the military can give them the opportunity to show their personal abilities and become officials based on military merit, while those idle people in the state and county yearn for free food and clothing for the army, and slacken on their training. Coveted for personal comfort.
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