[Abstract]:Different from the modern democratic election system, the ancient Chinese electoral system experienced the development from the Western Han Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, from the examination to the imperial examination for more than two thousand years. This trend has led to the distribution of the main social resources, political power, economic wealth and social status and prestige, which are integrated in traditional societies, basically through selection, Finally, the social form of China changed from "hereditary society" to "election society" from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn period, that is, from a closed hierarchical society to a mobile hierarchical society. Especially after Song Dynasty, the reproduction of the ruling class took place a kind of fundamental change, which also deeply affected the outlook of the whole society and the way that individuals and families wanted to rise. Based on this, the concept of "election society" is used to explain the evolution of social structure from the Qin and Han dynasties to the late Qing Dynasty, which is supported by quite a lot of evidences and accords with the historical truth and people's understanding of their own society. In addition, it seems more convincing to compare other concepts that explain this historical period for example, the concept of "feudal society", which focuses on economic and social life, and the concept of "bureaucratic empire", which focuses on the political upper echelons, Because it determines the social structure from the perspective of the allocation of the main social resources, it communicates politics with society, upper and lower levels. At the same time, the concept of "election society" is also an explanatory concept which can best show the unique characteristics of Chinese historical civilization.
【作者单位】: 北京大学哲学系;
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