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发布时间:2018-08-21 11:16
【摘要】:外戚专权是封建社会常有的历史现象,它随着中国政治制度史的不断深入研究而被学者们重视的,外戚专权的研究有助于我们认识和掌握封建社会的政治制度的本质和规律。而汉代是外戚专权频发的历史时期,对当时的政治、经济、文化以及民族关系等产生重大影响。因此,笔者选择“汉代外戚专权研究”这个课题作为研究对象,试图给大家一个新的视觉,来了解和认识汉代的各项政治制度,同时推进外戚政治的研究。 本文采用章节的体例,首先是介绍古代中国外戚专权的情况,并着重阐述汉代的外戚专权。在此基础上分析其历史条件、历史命运、途径、特点、防范措施、影响、外戚与宦官的关系以及外戚专权与皇权的关系等。并在吸收前辈学者们的研究成果过程中,提出一些新的看法和观点,以期对今后的外戚专权研究有一点参考作用。
[Abstract]:Foreign autocratic power is a common historical phenomenon in feudal society. It has been attached importance to by scholars with the development of the history of Chinese political system. The study of foreign monopoly power helps us to understand and master the essence and law of the political system of feudal society. The Han Dynasty was a historical period of frequent foreign autocracy, which had a great influence on politics, economy, culture and ethnic relations at that time. Therefore, the author chooses the subject of "the study of Foreign autocracy in the Han Dynasty" as the object of study, trying to give us a new vision to understand and understand the various political systems of the Han Dynasty, and at the same time to promote the study of the foreign politics. This article adopts the style of chapter, first is to introduce the situation of the foreign relatives monopoly in ancient China, and to expound the Han Dynasty foreign autocratic power. On this basis, it analyzes its historical conditions, historical fate, ways, characteristics, preventive measures, influences, the relationship between foreign relatives and eunuchs, and the relationship between foreign autocratic powers and imperial powers. In the process of absorbing the research achievements of the previous generation scholars, some new views and viewpoints are put forward in order to provide some reference for the future study of foreign autocracy.


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