[Abstract]:The relationship between imperial examination system and legendary creation in the middle Tang Dynasty is a cross-literary and historical subject, so it is difficult and challenging. This paper tries to study the relationship between the imperial examination in the middle Tang Dynasty and the prosperity of the legendary creation of the Tang Dynasty, which is divided into three parts. The first part is a brief discussion on the relationship between imperial examinations and literature in the mid-Tang Dynasty. This paper introduces the general situation that the imperial examination in the middle Tang Dynasty is particularly popular in the three aspects: the main content of the examination of the Jin Shi and Fu as the main content, the prominent position of the imperial examination of the Jin Shi and the erudite macro words similar to the Jin Shi branch, and the book judging that the two branches of the imperial examination are attached importance to these three aspects. The imperial examination, which took the merits and demerits of words as the standard, had a great influence on the literature at that time. Its effect on literature has both positive and negative aspects. Its function reflected in the Tang Dynasty literature legendary novel creation aspect, is positive. The second part discusses the relationship between imperial examination and legendary creation in the middle Tang Dynasty from two aspects: the statistics of the identity of the imperial examinations of the legendary authors in the middle Tang Dynasty and the prevailing atmosphere among the imperial examination scholars in the middle Tang Dynasty. According to statistics, there were 19 legendary novel creators in the middle Tang Dynasty from the generation dynasty to the Wenzong dynasty, 11 of whom were confirmed to have imperial examination background. From this conclusion, the imperial examination scholar is the main force in the creation of the legend of the middle Tang Dynasty. In this period, the gathering of banquets was popular in the world of imperial examinations, which provided an opportunity for the creation of many legendary works. In addition, at this time, the wind of the book of scholars is also popular, more imperial examination of the collection of legend line volume, which undoubtedly played a role in promoting the creation and prosperity of the later collection of legends. The conclusion is that the prosperous imperial examination in the mid-Tang Dynasty is the direct reason for the prosperity of legendary creation. The third part, starting from the characteristics of the prosperity of the legendary creation of "Zhuan" in the middle Tang Dynasty, combined with the achievements of the imperial examination scholars in their collective participation in the legendary creation, as well as their marriage and love, and the mentality of the officials. To discuss the legendary creation of the imperial examination of the strong color.
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