[Abstract]:In the early Ming Dynasty, the rulers made the relevant population policies under the thought of "taking agriculture as the basis" and "opening up the fields after the hukou flourished and tax increase". By means of caressing exile, strictly controlling household registration, adjusting distribution, encouraging fertility and other measures to stabilize social order, reclaim wasteland, increase population, and reach the proportion of people and land, agricultural production can be restored and developed. By exploring the relationship between population policy and agricultural development in the early Ming Dynasty, we can find that the subjective condition of the agricultural development in the early Ming Dynasty is that the rulers attach great importance to the thought and have something to do with it. Population policy and other policies complement each other to provide the premise and foundation for agricultural development, and these policies meet the objective needs of society and economic laws, which are the fundamental reasons for agricultural development. In addition, the population policy in the early Ming Dynasty also brought negative effects such as the inequality of fields, taxes and ecological deterioration.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学历史学院;中共郑州市委党校哲学科社教研部;
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