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发布时间:2018-09-02 06:53
【摘要】:唐代的孝道既有对前代的继承,更有其自身的发展和变化。 唐代以整理《孝经》、研究《孝经》为标志的孝道理论研究,引导孝道在唐代政治生活和社会生活中广泛推行,显示了唐代孝道的鲜明特征。唐代推行孝道的过程中,也遇到了很多新问题,其中不乏特殊的问题,认真考察唐代解决这些理论边缘问题的方法、路线和思想,正是考察唐代社会推行孝道的深度和广度的重要切入点。本课题从唐代孝道特征和四个与孝道相关的问题切入,进行考察和研究。本文分为五个部分。 一、唐代孝道的特征 唐代前期,太宗李世民开始整理《孝经》;玄宗李隆基继位,御注《孝经》,《孝经》文献广为社会传习。忠孝一体,移孝于忠,国家的各项政治制度都引入孝道精神。礼乐、法律、文化、教育乃至各项政治制度,例如科举、用人、奖惩、官员管理、丁忧、致仕等,都推行了孝道的相关内容,孝道成为社会生活的重要组成部分。唐代孝道也成为中国孝道的迅速发展期。 二、唐代“天子之孝”的理论与实践 《孝经》中提出五等之孝,“天子之孝”处于最高层。唐代关于“天子之孝”,不仅有很多理论上讨论,也有很多实践。唐代的孝道,首先在继位问题遇到了激烈的理论碰撞,如何为激烈的权位争夺,寻求孝道的依据,需要从理论上阐述“天子之孝”的内涵。唐太宗、玄宗、肃宗等留下了关于“天子之孝”的理论阐述,很多著名官员也留下了“天子之孝”的宏论,这些为唐代新皇帝继位提供了孝道方面的理论依据,不仅是孝道理论的演变和发展,也是唐代孝道实践的实际形态。 三、唐代官员中的“丁忧”与“起复” 唐代官员的丁忧与起复问题,关系到官员管理中的孝道政策问题。按照唐代礼律以及各项政治制度,唐代已经形成了常规的丁忧制度,并且正常施行。每一名唐代官员必须履行国家制定的丁忧制度,无论中央官员或者地方官员,尤其文职类官员都能遵循丁忧制度的要求,守丧终制。但是丁忧制度在实践过程中也遇到一些特殊的实际问题,其中,最突出的问题在于国家政治生活与家庭孝道发生碰撞的时候,唐代建立制定了“起复”制度,借以修复“丁忧”制度的缺陷,从而体现了唐代孝道实践的纵深发展。 四、唐代的庶民之孝 唐代孝道,已经形成社会风气。“割股疗亲”的民间现象,是孝道实践中的特殊社会现象。这个问题承载了孝道的理论界定问题。本文首先综述了唐代“割股疗亲现象”并分析其社会原因;其次,分析唐代士大夫阶层对割股疗亲问题的不同看法。尤其是白居易、柳宗元、韩愈等唐代名臣对于割股疗亲问题的正反两种态度的议论,分析、透视唐代孝道中这一具体问题的理论认识与与实践行为之间的矛盾冲突,其正面和负面的历史影响都是客观存在。 五、唐代的子报父仇问题 唐代的子报复仇问题,文献中屡屡记载,涉及到唐代国家官员和基层庶民。本文重点考察这一历史现象的有关案件,通过唐代各时期的子报父仇案件,透视唐代对孝子报父仇问题处理上的变化。唐代初期“视情赦免”,中期律令制度建立后,国法不许复仇,子报父仇所产生的命案,一律依法决杀。个别案件中出现皇权摄入而改变刑判的结果,但一直以法律严惩为主,礼让步于法。
[Abstract]:The filial piety in the Tang Dynasty inherited both the former generation and its own development and change.
In the Tang Dynasty, the filial piety theory, which was marked by the collation of the Filial Piety Classic and the study of the Filial Piety Classic, led the filial piety to be widely carried out in the political and social life of the Tang Dynasty, showing the distinct characteristics of filial piety in the Tang Dynasty. The method, route and thought of the problem are just the important breakthrough point to investigate the depth and breadth of filial piety in Tang Dynasty.
First, the characteristics of filial piety in the Tang Dynasty.
In the early Tang Dynasty, Taizong Li Shimin began to sort out the Filial Piety Classic; Xuanzong Li Longji succeeded, imperial note Li Longji succeeded, imperial note Li Longji, and documents of filial piety were widely handed down in society. Officials and other officials carried out the related contents of filial piety, which became an important part of social life. Filial piety in Tang Dynasty also became a rapid development period of filial piety in China.
Two, the theory and practice of "filial piety" in the Tang Dynasty.
In the Tang Dynasty, filial piety was not only discussed in theory, but also practiced in many ways. In the Tang Dynasty, filial piety first encountered a fierce theoretical collision in the issue of succession. How to seek the basis of filial piety for the fierce struggle for power and position needs to be expounded theoretically. Tang Taizong, Xuanzong and Suzong left a theoretical exposition on the filial piety of Emperor Tianzi, and many famous officials also left a macro theory on the filial piety of Emperor Tianzi, which provided theoretical basis for the succession of the new emperor in Tang Dynasty, not only the evolution and development of filial piety theory, but also the actual form of filial piety practice in Tang Dynasty.
Three, the "worry" and "start up" of officials in the Tang Dynasty.
According to the Tang Dynasty's etiquette and laws and various political systems, the Tang Dynasty has already formed the regular Ding worry system, and it has been carried out normally. However, the Ding worry system also encountered some special practical problems in practice. The most prominent problem was that when the political life of the country collided with the family filial piety, the Tang Dynasty established and formulated the "recovery" system to repair the defects of the "Ding worry" system. It embodies the deep development of filial piety in Tang Dynasty.
Four, the filial piety of the Tang Dynasty.
Filial piety in the Tang Dynasty has become a social custom. The folk phenomenon of "dividing the stock and curing the relatives" is a special social phenomenon in the filial piety practice. This problem bears the theoretical definition of filial piety. Different opinions. Especially Bai Juyi, Liu Zongyuan, Han Yu and other famous Tang Dynasty officials'opinions on the positive and negative attitudes toward the issue of dividing the stock and curing the relatives. Through the analysis, we can see through the contradiction between the theoretical understanding of the specific problem of filial piety in the Tang Dynasty and the practice behavior, and its positive and negative historical influences are objective existence.
Five, the sons and daughters of the Tang Dynasty.
The issue of son revenge in the Tang Dynasty is frequently recorded in the literature, involving state officials and grass-roots commoners in the Tang Dynasty. This paper focuses on the relevant cases of this historical phenomenon, through the case of son revenge in various periods of the Tang Dynasty, to see through the Tang Dynasty's changes in dealing with the issue of filial son revenge. Later, the national law forbids revenge, and all the fathers'murders are executed according to law.


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