[Abstract]:Emperor Kangxi, in order to stabilize the frontier, stabilize the border people, counter-attack, and defend against the Russian invasion, in Kangxi 22 ad hoc Heilongjiang General, and will be built on the Heilongjiang side of the Heilongjiang City (Aihui). With this, the local construction of Heilongjiang was strengthened, and garrison troops were dispatched to build the city of Heilongjiang, Murgen (Nenjiang), and Bukui (Qiqihar) successively. They set up post stations for many lines, sent people to supervise farming and open up fields, set up official schools, and emigrated to the real border. Heilongjiang (mainly Aihui, Murgen, Bukui) economic and cultural development. On this basis, taking the city of Heilongjiang as the forward base, launching two attacks on the city of Yakesa, where the Russian army holds hold, and mastering the initiative in Sino-Russian relations, it is proposed to hold talks on the Sino-Russian border, sign the Treaty of Niebuchu with Russia, and delimit the eastern part of the Sino-Russian border. Since then, the northeast frontier appeared a hundred years of peace.
【作者单位】: 南开大学中国社会史研究中心暨历史学院;
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