[Abstract]:Monetization is the product of the development of commodity monetary economy in human society to a certain extent, while the anti-monetary thought is the product of monetization to a certain level. Anti-monetary thought throughout ancient China, and has a considerable impact. Academic research on anti-monetary thought is still very weak, there are no monographs and articles at present, the anti-monetary thought research is blank, only related works involve some content of anti-monetary thought. Anti-monetary thought is the summation of all kinds of anti-money thoughts. From a modern perspective, it is a kind of thought of turning back history, overreacting to social and economic environment, and a special product when money economy develops to a certain level. There are two aspects of the money problem in the Western Han Dynasty, one is the monetary system, the other is the money thought, and the anti-monetary thought is subordinate to the monetary thought. The problem of monetary system often gives birth to the thought of money directly, and the thought of money gives theoretical guidance to the actual monetary system and provides the method to solve the problem. The thought of money in the Western Han Dynasty was often formed in the light of actual currency or other social problems, and it was to seek countermeasures for the actual economic monetary problems. The West Han Dynasty mainly used two kinds of metal currency: first, copper money, then gold. The currency opposed by the anti-monetary theorists in the Western Han Dynasty was metal currency, mainly metal coins and copper coins, followed by gold. Among them copper money is coin, and gold is weighing currency. With the intensification of the negative influence of the monetization process in the Western Han Dynasty, the anti-monetary thought became more and more intense and developed in a progressive manner. In terms of its evolution, the anti-monetary thought of the Western Han Dynasty has three progressive levels: first, in its infancy, it theoretically negates the value of money, that is, Lu Jia and Jia Shan's theory of "money is useless". Second, the development period, in theory and practice belittling the role of money, namely Chao's "cheap money theory", that is, "the Ming Jun is expensive and cheap gold jade." Third, mature period, demand to abolish currency, cancel commodity money economy, return to the age of primitive economy without money, namely Gong Yu's "anti-monetary theory". He thought that "it is appropriate for officials who cast money from pearl jade, gold and silver, to be found dead, and not to be sold in the market, except for the law of the baht, all of which are given to them by cloth, silk and valley." However, for various reasons, the emperor did not accept the proposal. Through the historical investigation, the influence of the anti-monetary thought of the Western Han Dynasty mainly has the following three aspects: first, the anti-monetary thought of the Western Han Dynasty has a certain degree of influence on the decision-making of the government at that time. Secondly, the anti-monetary thought of the Western Han Dynasty had great influence on people's understanding of currency, such as looking at currency from the point of food and clothing, and from the point of view of morality. This led to the Chinese ancient understanding of the currency into a rut and lack of in-depth research. Finally, the anti-monetary thought of the Western Han Dynasty had a great influence on strengthening the function of the peasant thought, because the anti-currency thought and the peasant thought had the internal consistency. From a macro point of view, the anti-monetary thought of the Western Han Dynasty consolidated the feudal regime of the Western Han Dynasty, because it maintained the economic basis of the existence of the feudal regime-the small-scale peasant economy. In addition, the anti-monetary thought of the Western Han Dynasty played a significant role in hindering the monetization, resulting in the relative stagnation of economic development to a certain extent. Because of relative to agriculture, industry and commerce to the economic pull effect is bigger. In general, the influence of anti-monetary thought in the Western Han Dynasty is almost negative, so the anti-monetary thought of the Western Han Dynasty is actually an undesirable idea of turning back history.
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