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发布时间:2019-05-16 20:17
【摘要】:后唐幕府的发展严格来说可以大致分为两个时期,公元923年,李存勖灭梁则是这两个时期的分界线。前期开始的重要标志是唐僖宗中和三年(883年),唐王朝正式将河东节度使一职授予李克用,从此先后以李克用、李存勖父子为幕主的河东幕府开始逐渐建立、发展和壮大。后期则是以李存勖灭亡朱梁,定鼎中原为起点,原来属于河东幕府的一些幕职人员上升为中央官吏。与此同时,改朝换代也促使各个方镇的幕府格局开始发生了一系列的变化,一些有才能的士人通过地方上的举荐、个人主动归附、国家选拔等多种形式来到中央做官。虽然此举缓解了中央官僚机构大面积阙官的局面,但同时也造成了方镇幕府人才的匮乏。为此,后唐建立以后对方镇幕府自辟僚属的限制较为宽松,各个方镇开始积极延揽士人进入幕府,充实幕职,以维持幕府机构的正常运转。 后唐幕府前期的发展具有扩张性和对抗性两方面的特征。扩张性表现在李克用、李存勖以河东节度使幕府为中心,逐步的向周边扩张,原来属于河东幕府的幕僚被派往新控制的地区担任节度使、留后等职,从而建立了许多新的幕府。从本质上说,这些都是河东幕府的外延,处于相对附属的地位;对抗性主要表现在河东幕府扩张的过程当中始终与后梁处于对峙状态,双方为抢占地盘展开了数十年之久的争夺。河东幕府正是在复杂的历史条件下不断的变化和发展。 后唐幕府的发展离不开众多幕僚的作用。在唐末国家政局动荡,各种典章制度不能得到很好遵循的历史情形下,一大批士人通过入幕来施展自己的才华。一方面,众多有识之士进入各个方镇幕府,担任诸如掌书记、行军司马、支使、推官、巡官等幕职。这些人在为幕主服务的过程当中,在对外征战,幕府机构的正常运转,地方治理,方镇经济财赋的经营等诸多方面都发挥了重大作用,大大增强了各个方镇的实力。另一方面诸方镇幕府的幕主出于自身生存的考虑,也不遗余力的招贤纳士。特别是河东节度使幕府表现的尤为突出,李克用、李存勖父子两代人通过血缘、地缘等途径不断地吸引人才充实壮大自己的幕府。后来在与后梁的争夺中也证明了此举的重要性。 后唐以后,针对各方镇自行辟举幕僚的情况,政府出台了一系列的限制措施,但从整个实行情况来看,效果并不太明显。在这个问题上,很可能有两方面的因素共同造就了这样的局面。一是,除了河东、河中、潞州、魏州等几个方镇外,大多数方镇都是新近归附的,朝廷还无力对其进行严格的控制,因而政策的执行力就会大打折扣。二是,后唐建立后,临时设立的行营幕府也经常出现,如李继岌伐蜀就是其中的典型例子。这些临时性质的行营幕府除了中央指派的随军官吏外,幕主还可以根据实际的需要,在幕府之外选拔一些人才进入到幕府中来,担任相应的幕职。 后唐幕府从唐末到后晋建立前,延续了近半个世纪。前期以河东幕府为中心,为后唐的建立打下了坚实的基础,后期在国家统一管理下,又体现出了中央与地方之间的错综复杂的关系。如何来认识后唐幕府的历史作用是值得研究的课题。
[Abstract]:The development of the post-Tang Dynasty is strictly divided into two periods, in which, in the year of 923, the Li Cunyi fire-fighting beam is the dividing line between the two periods. The important sign that began in the early stage was the Tang Dynasty and three years (883 years). The Tang Dynasty officially awarded the post to the Tang Dynasty, and then began to build, develop and strengthen the East of the River, which is the main of the staff of Li and his father and son. In the later period, Li Cunyuan was destroyed by Zhu Liang, and in the Central Plains as the starting point, some of the staff members who had originally belonged to the East of the river rose to the central official. At the same time, the change of the new dynasty also led to a series of changes in the pattern of the people's government, and some talented scholars have come to the central government by means of the local recommendation, the individual initiative, the national selection and so on. Although the move has eased the situation of the central bureaucracy, it has also caused a shortage of people in Fangzhen's staff. To this end, after the establishment of the post-Tang, the other party's government of the other party's government was more relaxed, and the town began to actively recruit the scholars to enter the office and fill in the curtain to maintain the normal operation of the office. The development of the early Tang Dynasty was both expansionary and adversarial. The expansionary performance was in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Cunyi made the curtain as the center in the east section of the river, and gradually expanded to the periphery. The curtain was sent to the newly-controlled area by the curtain of the river, so as to set up a number of new curtains. In essence, these are the epitaxy of the river and the relative subordinate position; the antagonism is mainly in the state of confrontation with the rear beam during the expansion of the river and the east, and the two sides have been fighting for decades to seize the site. It is in the complex historical condition that the East of the river is changing and sending. The development of the post-Tang Dynasty cannot be separated from a large number of staff In the event of the political turmoil in the late Tang Dynasty and the historical circumstances that the various allusions were unable to follow, a large number of people used to do their work by entering the curtain On the one hand, a large number of people of insight entered the town of the town, serving as the secretary of the palm, the horse of the march, the support, the pusher, the inspector. In the process of serving the curtain, these people have played a major role in the aspects of external competition, normal operation of the office, local governance, and the operation of the economic and financial resources of Fangzhen, which greatly enhanced the town of each party. On the other hand, on the other hand, the curtain of the people in the town of the other side, for their own survival, will spare no effort. In particular, the river-east section made it a special highlight of the government, and the two generations of Li's and his father and son continued to attract the talents to enrich themselves through the way of blood, geography, and so on. The house of the office. Later in the fight with the post-beam, it also proved the move. Importance. After the Tang Dynasty, the government issued a series of restrictions on the situation of self-propelled by all the parties, but in the light of the whole implementation, the effect It's not so obvious. In this case, it's likely that there are two factors that make it together. The first is that, in addition to several square towns such as the river, the river, the Mississippi and the Weizhou, most of the town is newly attached, and the court can't control it strictly, so the execution of the policy Second, after the establishment of the later Tang Dynasty, the temporary establishment of the camp, such as Li Jiu-Shu, is one of them. A typical example of these temporary properties is that, in addition to the centrally-assigned military officials, the chief of staff can select a number of people outside the office to enter the office in addition to the actual needs The post of the late Tang Dynasty from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the post-Jin establishment. It continued for nearly a half a century. In the early period, a solid foundation was laid for the establishment of the post-Tang, and the later period, under the unified management of the state, embodied the central and the local. The complex relationship. How to know the historical role of the post-Tang Dynasty


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1 荣新江;;唐五代归义军武职军将考[A];中国唐史学会论文集[C];1993年

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