[Abstract]:The study of the relationship between man and nature in historical period is one of the main contents of historical geography and an important way for us to understand the development process of human society. As a rare resource for human development, the study of the relationship between water and city is becoming more and more important. The "Lanzhou area" mentioned in this paper mainly refers to the present Lanzhou City (Chengguan District, Qilihe District, Xigu District, Anning District, Honggu District, Yongdeng County, Yuzhong County, Gaolan County). Because this paper discusses the theme water environment and urban development, Therefore, the center of gravity is in Chengguan District, Qilihe District, Xigu District and Anning District. This area is located in the middle of Gansu Province, the Yellow River flows through. The superior geographical position makes Lanzhou gradually form a number of important ferries in the history, relying on traffic and military development as an opportunity, Lanzhou social and economic development has been developed. This paper discusses the interaction between Lanzhou urban development and water in Ming and Qing dynasties from the aspects of urban construction, transportation, military, water conservancy development and so on. Firstly, the water resources of Lanzhou are introduced, and the rivers, Quanze, groundwater and precipitation in this area are investigated, which lays a foundation for understanding the interaction between Lanzhou development and water. Secondly, the influence of water on urban development is discussed, and the advantages and defects of water on Lanzhou traffic are discussed from the aspects of water and urban site selection, water and urban scale and traffic, water and urban prosperity and waste. From the perspective of the relationship between water and place names, this paper discusses the development and changes of Lanzhou. Thirdly, the water use mode of urban residents is classified and discussed. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the main water use in this area can be divided into domestic water use, military fortress water use, urban residents' entertainment water use and agricultural irrigation water use. This paper discusses the development of Lanzhou water conservancy in Ming and Qing dynasties, and holds that the influence of water conservancy development on Lanzhou's economic development is quite far-reaching. Finally, the deterioration of water environment in the late Ming and Qing dynasties is discussed, and it is considered that the deterioration of water environment is caused by many factors, such as natural erosion and improper reclamation. And put forward some suggestions on the future development of urban economic life in Lanzhou. Through the study of this subject, we can not only understand the historical geographical situation of Lanzhou in Ming and Qing dynasties, explore the influence of water on the process of urban development, but also provide experience and lessons for the construction of Lanzhou city today, which is of practical significance.
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