本文关键词: 网络空间 历史虚无主义 危害 治理 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the process of profound social transformation, various social trends of thought intermingle with each other, and people's ideology and value orientation increasingly present the characteristics of pluralism, diversity and variability. The ideological trend of historical nihilism has taken advantage of the opportunity to flourish. Under the banner of "academic research", "reassessment of history" and "revealing the truth", historical nihilism has wantonly distorted the objective historical facts, negated the brilliant Chinese culture and denied the party's historical achievements. Negating the socialist system, advocating the overall westernization of the socialist system, and following the capitalist path of the West, these erroneous statements have to a certain extent caused great confusion to the minds of the people who lack historical knowledge. In particular, the rise and application of social software such as Weibo, WeChat, and forums have provided a powerful technical support for the network dissemination of historical nihilism. The trend of historical nihilism presents a trend of uproar, and its harm gradually presents a tendency of enlargement. Therefore, to comprehensively strengthen the governance of historical nihilism in cyberspace is related to the safety of our ideology. It is related to the construction of socialist modernization and the smooth realization of Chinese Dream. By combing the relevant research on the network communication of historical nihilism in academic circles, this paper draws on the existing experience and achievements. Further research on the spread, harm and governance of historical nihilism in cyberspace is carried out. The full text is divided into three parts. The forms and characteristics of historical nihilism communication in cyberspace are described in detail. The manifestations of historical nihilism network communication include: denying Chinese traditional culture on the grounds of "introspection"; Attempt to subvert the leadership of the Communist Party on the grounds of "reflection"; glorify imperialism and reactionary forces under the "correct name"; and deny the inevitability of the socialist road on the grounds of "assumptions". The network dissemination of historical nihilism presents new features, including the concealment in form, fragmentation in content, entertainment in packaging, pertinence in timing, rapidity in speed, universality in audience, and so on. The causes and harm of the dissemination of historical nihilism in cyberspace are systematically analyzed. The spread of historical nihilism in cyberspace is the result of the comprehensive action of many factors. This part will focus on research factors, educational factors, populace factors, etc. Technical factors, media factors, social factors, international factors, etc. The harm caused by the network communication of historical nihilism is mainly divided into four aspects, including weakening people's cultural self-confidence, Shake the people's political beliefs, threaten the security of the mainstream ideology of our country, and undermine the socialist modernization drive of our country. Part III, This part mainly focuses on strengthening the research and dissemination of historical materials, strengthening the role of education, and strengthening the construction of network platform. Strengthen the supervision and punishment of network information dissemination and put forward specific governance strategies.
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