[Abstract]:Hobbes' philosophy has an obvious materialistic nature because he believes that philosophy should focus on the material body and emphasizes that all human knowledge comes from the feeling of external objects. He thinks that only extension is the fundamental nature of the object, and acknowledges absolute stillness, advocates reductionism, repels chance, and regards the world and man as machines. In this respect, his philosophy has the nature of mechanism. But there are still many rich and profound dialectical thoughts in his philosophy: his distinction between objects, phenomena and images has the profound lasting appeal of the information intermediary in which things are self-evident and happen; His exposition on necessity, objective duality and subjective duality emphasizes that duality is not only the way we know things, but also the way things appear to us. His theory on the unity of outward effort of sensory organ and inward effort of object emphasizes the internal and external combination of cognition and the dialectic thought mediated by the way of subject cognition. His exposition on the relationship between subjective space, temporal image and the nature of objects and the mode of motion deeply embodies the dialectical thought that the nature of objects is presented through the transformation of form, and then realizes the cognitive mechanism of the indication of his ideas.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学国际信息哲学研究中心;
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