发布时间:2018-01-02 15:45
本文关键词:《生逢宋代:北宋士林将坛说》 出处:《读书》2016年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 生逢宋代:北宋士林将坛说
[Abstract]:Is the price: 42 yuan during the Northern Song Dynasty, the politics of the most influential man from among the people rise. This book to figure things, remember history, state and Party of the Song Dynasty, the interior and border, Chongwen and other major military suppression weapons lifting joint, a vivid and in-depth study.
【正文快照】: 定价:42.00元 北宋时代,政坛上的风云人物大多从平民中崛起。本书以人物之事,记一代之史,对宋代的国事与党争、内政与边防、崇文抑武与军力升降等重大关节,有生动而且深入的撰述。 生活·读书·新知三联书店刊行《生逢宋代:北宋士林将坛说》@陈峰正定价:42.00元北宋时代,,