本文关键词:春秋战国时期游学的区域流向考察 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Study refers to the knowledge in order to seek more knowledge and life experience, so as to get wisdom of enlightenment, the formation of consciousness, moving to space-time position, thereby causing a two-way change and social cultural changes. Spring and autumn is the decline of the royal family of the times, falling of ceremony, hereditary system collapse, there has been no Paul their taxi. Have to find another way out, some people go to other states, in order to get the favor of some monarch; scholars become scholar, scholars, by teach together to survive, the rise of private schools. The order of the day. In addition, the prosperity of the City, convenient transportation, books written are developed from the rise of help to study the impact of gender and grade factors. In the spring and Autumn period, visitors are mainly composed of men in the middle and lower level taxi civilians. The spring and Autumn period, Confucianism, ink, three areas to study tour. The similarities are: three the whole region are gradually expanding, and the direction from East West extension to Qin. The difference is: Confucianism, ink individual tour area gradually reduced, while the individual travel range by Legalists "domestic" extended to "foreign"; from the core region of the study tour, Confucianism from centralized to decentralized, legalism is gradually concentrated; Confucianism by Sheng Zhuanshuai, gradually away from the center of political power, but the king of Legalists appreciation, realize his ideas.
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