本文选题:楚国 切入点:人才交流 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, people have not lacked a profound understanding of the valuable value of talents. The Zhou Dynasty took "courtesy" as the value of talent and strictly followed the norms of patriarchal system of "kinship" and "respect". The selection of talents was mainly confined to the relatively closed range of the aristocrats, that is, the system of "Shi Qing Shi Lu". During the Spring and Autumn period and the warring States period, with the changes of politics, economy, culture and transportation, the talent system gradually broke the boundaries of the clan and the region. It created favorable conditions for the free flow of talents, thus promoting the flow and exchange of talents among the various princes. From the time when Xiong Yi became king in the Zhou Dynasty, the State of Chu held the article, followed by Wu Lao, and sealed Xiong Yimen in Chu, and sealed it as a man's field. The surname Mii, Ju Danyang, "until" Qin Dynasty will Wang Jian, Meng Wu then broken Chu State, Krupp Chu Wang ruminant, kill Chu for county cloud ", after more than 800 years. During this period, Chu's personnel has its specific standards and principles. This is closely related to the background of the times. The talent introduction policy of Chu can be roughly divided into two periods, namely, the Spring and Autumn period and the warring States period. Chu should be enlisted in Chu and other purposes. The King of Chu retained these foreign talents by rewarding them or giving them land. But Chu in this period was more like a refuge for other princes who fled to the nobles; and in the warring States period, Chu-jun is more conscious of the introduction of talent, breaking the talent standards of "Zhao old noble, love relatives", boldly using foreign talent, to make a great contribution to the prosperity of Chu; because Chu's patriarchal concept is relatively weak, In addition, the aristocrats of the State of Chu are too powerful and hold government power for a long time. The vast majority of the official posts of the State of Chu come from the aristocrats or the public clan. They reject the talented people outside the clan through political means and military bloody conflicts. As a result, the outflow and wastage of a large number of talents were caused, and the losses brought about by them were incalculable. Other princes took advantage of the favorable conditions of "Chu people to talk about things" to deal a fatal blow to the State of Chu. At the same time, they took human beings as their carriers. The culture of the State of Chu has expanded the scope of transmission through the outflow of talents from the State of Chu, and the selection system of talents in the State of Chu, The reward, punishment and appointment of talents are closely related to their own historical characteristics and specific times. Qin and Chu left a heavy stroke in the period of Spring and Autumn and warring States, both of which had many similarities and many individuality in the early stage. These contradictions of unity of opposites make the politics of the two countries, especially the talent policy, have obvious differences. The criteria of talent selection, the principle of talent reward and punishment, and the result of reform are all the results of the struggle between commonality and individuality. Chu was destroyed by Qin. It marks the end of an era, but it can not deny the system reform and policy adjustment made by the Chu state for the rich nation and the strong soldiers. The difference of cultural tradition and internal contradiction between the two kingdoms is the ultimate cause of the different endings.
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