本文选题:《四库全书》 切入点:云贵文献 出处:《兰州大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper mainly divides into three parts to carry on the regional bibliography research to the "Sikuquanshu General order" > Yungui document description: the first part is from the "Sikuquanshu" when compiling the Yungui area general situation, the cloud and your area presents the book,This paper probes into the relationship between Yungui area and the compilation of Siku Guanshu from the aspects of banning and destroying books, and points out that although the Yungui area is located in the southwest frontier, the culture has developed in the Qianlong period, and has contributed to the compilation of Siku Guanshu.By contrast, the number of books banned and destroyed in Yunyou area reflects the accumulation of books in the area.In the second part, the author makes a statistical analysis of the status of the description of the "Siku Quan Shu", and points out that it has the following characteristics: first, the quantity of the description is small and the number of the items is more than that of the others;The second is that the number of books written by the people of cloud and your nationality is less than that of those who are not from the cloud, the third is that the literature era is concentrated in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the fourth is that Zhejiang is not only the region where most documents are collected, but also the regions where the people of non-cloud and expensive nationality write the most of the documents.Fifth, the historical department of literature accounts for the largest proportion.In the third part, the author revises the contents of the literature from the aspects of the author of the literature, the evaluation of the content of the literature, the edition of the literature and the situation of the existence of the literature.
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