发布时间:2018-06-28 18:27
本文选题:汉画像石 + 种植业 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:陕北是我国画像石出土较多的地区之一,其图像直观展现了东汉陕北地区的经济社会发展状况,而农牧业画像石是陕北地区极具特色的一类。本文在对画像石资料进行真实性分析后认为其能够作为史料直观且真实地反映陕北地区的农牧业发展状况。因此,笔者尽可能多地收集陕北地区出土的农牧业画像石,通过对比研究、综合分析的方法寻找不同画像石中同一类图像之间的异同,再结合史料进行研究,尽可能真实再现东汉陕北农牧业的发展状况。 画像石属于考古文物,陕北画像石资料的发掘时间较早,由于技术的落后、环境的限制,我们很难看到当时出土时的原貌,特别是画像石出土时有些有鲜艳的色彩,一经空气氧化便很快消失,因此笔者在涉猎大量考古报告的基础上,通过实地考察,深入到绥德、米脂、神木、榆林等画像石出土地、以及汉画像石博物馆仔细观察原石并对当时考古挖掘工作人员进行调研,尽可能真实的还原画像石的本来面目。 通过回顾学术史,对前人研究成果进行归纳总结发现学界利用画像石从历史地理学角度对陕北东汉时期的农业地理研究较少,这就为本文研究留有较为广阔的余地,因此本文的序言部分就着力于与本文研究密切相关的学术史回顾,并介绍研究区域和研究内容,为全文的研究提供研究方法和思路。 为了达到研究的目的,本文从种植、养殖、狩猎三个角度全面分析和论述了画像石所反映的东汉时期陕北地区农牧业的发展状况,其中探讨了东汉陕北农牧业发展与少数民族、汉民族的交融的相关性,以及通过狩猎画像石分析陕北动物食物链所反映的生态环境变迁。 关于对东汉陕北地区种植业的发展状况研究,本文通过解读陕北出土的种植业画像石,根据图像分析其反映的农业要素,了解东汉陕北常见的农作物种类、耕作方式、农具类型以及田间管理技术,从而判断东汉陕北主要的农耕区域,总结其发展特点。得出无定河流域的农业生产较其他地区普遍,边郡农业较发达的结论。 对于陕北养殖业发展状况的论述,由于陕北出土的关于养殖业的画像石十分繁多,故本文在对养殖业画像石进行分类整理的基础上,并结合相关史料得出陕北养殖业可分为大牧场放牧和家庭养殖两种类型,通过分析不同牲畜的形象判断其不同的用途。得出陕北养殖业的发展是在游牧民族内迁大的社会背景下,受游牧民族影响出现的经济态势,并且形成了无定河下游以农业为主、畜牧业为辅;榆林、神木等长城沿线以畜牧业为主的经济格局。 在论述东汉陕北狩猎业的发展状况时主要是分析画像石中的狩猎场面。这是因为狩猎场面是陕北画像石中极具普遍性且富有特点的图像,通过解读狩猎画像石中的具体形象,整理得出东汉陕北盛行的三种狩猎方式,即猎手围猎、猎鹰捕兔、猎犬辅助。通过将不同的狩猎画像石以连环画的形式相连复原了东汉陕北的狩猎场面。同时通过对山林、鸟兽画像的分析得出东汉陕北的生态环境,对其所表现的经济、社会发展状况也作以小结,得出狩猎画像石的分布地域最广,是陕北地区农业及畜牧业的重要补充这一观点。 最后,通过对不同类型画像石的出土地进行分析整理,得出全文最主要的观点:东汉时期陕北以绥德、米脂地区为代表的无定河下游区域是主要的种植业区域,而以神木、榆林为代表的长城沿线则是畜牧业、养殖业为主的畜牧区。这也正是本文的创新之处,从历史地理学的角度对区域进行微观分区,尽可能细小的展示该区域的农牧业发展状况,做到从细微之处着手,得出全面的结论。
[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the authenticity of image stone data , the author thinks that it can be used as historical material to reflect the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in northern Shaanxi .
It is very difficult to find out the original appearance at the time when the image stone belongs to the archaeological relics . Due to the backwardness of the technology and the limitation of the environment , it is difficult to see the original appearance at that time , especially when the image stone is unearthed .
By reviewing the academic history and summarizing the previous research results , it is found that the academic circle uses the image stone to study the agricultural geography of the Eastern Han Dynasty in Northern Shaanxi from the historical geography angle , which provides a great scope for the study of this paper . Therefore , the preface of this paper is focused on the review of the academic history closely related to this study , and introduces the research area and the research content , and provides the research methods and ideas for the study of the whole text .
In order to achieve the aim of the research , this paper comprehensively analyzes and discusses the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in North Shaanxi during the Eastern Han Dynasty , which is reflected by the image stone from three aspects : planting , breeding and hunting .
On the basis of the image analysis of the agricultural factors reflected in the image analysis , this paper tries to understand the main types of crops , the cultivation mode , the types of agricultural tools and the techniques of field management , so as to judge the main agricultural areas in the North Shaanxi Province and summarize the characteristics of their development , and conclude that the agricultural production in the Wuding River Basin is more common than in other areas , and the agriculture in the county is more developed .
On the basis of the classification and arrangement of the cultivation industry , the author concludes that the development of the North Shaanxi breeding industry is the economic situation which is influenced by the nomadic peoples under the social background of the migration of the nomadic peoples .
The main economic pattern of animal husbandry along the Great Wall such as Yulin and Shenmu .
In this paper , the hunting scene in North Shaanxi is mainly analyzed when discussing the development of the hunting industry in North Shaanxi Province . This is because the hunting scene is a very popular and characteristic image in the image of North Shaanxi .
Finally , through the analysis and arrangement of the land of different types of image stone , the main point of view is that the downstream area of Wuding River , which is represented by Sud and Miq , is the main planting area in the north of Shaanxi Province in the Eastern Han Dynasty . This is the innovation of this paper . It is also the innovation of this paper . It is also the innovation of this paper , which shows the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the region as small as possible .
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