[Abstract]:The word "Cai" used in this thesis is followed by Sima Qian, Ban Gu and others, which means "collecting" and "collecting".
That is to say, there are many chapters in the book of historical records.
There are no definite conclusions about the number of articles and articles. The reason is that they are different in terms of version, statistics and standards.
This is the first time to make a thorough textual research and discussion.
This article is composed of two parts.
The first chapter is the textual research part. The author, in contrast to many editions, confirms that the current passage is "war strategy".
At the same time, it also includes other versions. From the statistical point of view, we should take into account the integrity of the articles of Zhan Guo CE.
Comparing the differences between the two languages, that is to say, if the words are more or less the same, they should be regarded as "Wen".
There are 96 articles in the national policy. The specific contents are appended to Appendix 1: "historical records".
There are 10 chapters on the creation of the policy according to the policy. The detailed appendix two is the historical records (two).
The second chapter is the discussion part. In fact, it is a comparative study between Shi Ji and Zhan Guo CE.
"The" "strategy > Article" said. It is divided into three sections.
In the first section, we summarize the basic principles and main methods of the historical records.
How to choose and choose the text of "Zhan Guo CE", and how to collate, assess, tailor, supplement and reform the policy.
Write a job.
The second section is about the deep meaning of the text of the historical records.
Although the same or similar material is used, the theme of expression is different. Sima Qian's history of "becoming a family" is an ideal one.
It is mainly related to two aspects of internal affairs and diplomacy.
The great historical events of the rise and fall of the country, so as to "act in accordance with the examination, and make it fail to become a bad one", provides governance for the rulers.
The selection of biographies focuses on the thinking and inspection of the value of individual life, emphasizing the integrity of conduct.
The ambition of building up a career and carrying forward the spirit of striving for progress and striving for self-improvement, so as to express the indignation in the author's mind, and put it forward.
In addition, the aesthetical view of the author also affected his "strange man" and "conspiracy".
And the appreciation and choice of "magic".
The third section discusses the inheritance and development of the narrative art of the Warring States policy.
The wanton style of writing and the literary grace of Yi Lihua, but Zhan Guo CE is a kind of argumentation mainly based on recording, except for less.
The complete narrative of volume works is not yet fully equipped with the basic elements of narrative. Sima Qian adopted the policy.
The whole narrative structure increases the tortuosity of the plot, adds detailed descriptions and uses many literary expressions.
It improves the artistic level of narration and enhances the expressive power of the article.
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