[Abstract]:With the gradual silence of the period of the pre-Qin ancient history and the budding discussion of capitalism in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the research on the social changes of the middle ancient times has become more and more lively. In recent years, ten symposia were held at home and abroad to discuss the changes of Tang and Song dynasties. Although there are still different opinions about the "Middle Ancient" era in Chinese history, if we say that the changes of the Middle Ancient Society will generally include the historical trend of the "Han and Tang dynasties" and the historical changes of the "Tang and Song dynasties", and so on. In the past, he Changqun, Hou Wailu and Hu Rulei mostly focused on the change of land relations and political slogans in this period. Recent discussions have generally focused on social change. Here are a few written talks, cut into different angles. From the relationship between the state and society, Zhang Guogang from the ethical concept of family law, Wu Li-yu from the relationship between "ritual" and the form of calligraphy, respectively, this paper discusses the trend of the history of Han and Tang dynasties. Wang Lihua tries to make a long span contrast between the Song Dynasty and the Han Dynasty after the middle ancient times, and discusses the interaction between the middle ancient culture and the environment. Wang Yongping summarized the changes in Tang and Song dynasties from the aspect of culture. It is generally believed that the Japanese scholar, Neito Hunan, was the first to raise the question of change in Tang and Song dynasties. In combination with the great background of Japan's study of Western culture after the Meiji Restoration, this paper narrates the specific historical facts of Neito's historiography influenced by western cultural historiography. It provides us with many new ideas. From this, we can see that although it is not and impossible to make a comprehensive study of the theme of "Middle Ancient Social change," the authors from different ages in China and Japan have all displayed a relatively new perspective of observation, although it is not nor possible to make a comprehensive study of the theme of "Middle Ancient Social change" in this written article. Or try to ask some new questions. this
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院历史所
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