[Abstract]:The academic circles of our country have different understanding of Engels' theory of two great social division of labor. We think Engels' second social division of labor theory is that the separation of handicraft industry and agriculture is the main symbol of its occurrence, such a great division of labor and the appearance of independent businessmen as the symbol of the third social division of labor. It plays an important role in the origin and development of ancient civilizations, including China. However, the background, process and function of its occurrence in different regions are different. The second social division of labor in China first occurred about six or seven thousand years ago, and has a close relationship with the making of jade articles. The third social division of labor appeared late, until the Spring and Autumn warring States period has a more obvious performance. For various reasons, the two great social division of labor in almost the entire ancient history of China, has always been in a relatively low level, and failed to give China's economic structure and feudal autocratic system a fundamental impact.
【作者单位】: 商丘师范学院历史系
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