[Abstract]:This paper makes a comprehensive study of the usage of the terms "vassal" and "suzerainty" in ancient and modern times from three aspects: the understanding and use of "vassal", "suzerain-vassal", the meaning and use of "suzerain-vassal". It is believed that the term "vassal affiliation" was formed in the Ming and Qing dynasties and was used to refer to the political subordination relationship between the Qing Dynasty and the frontier nationalities and even the neighboring countries. However, this kind of relationship had been formed as early as the Han Dynasty, which was called "vassal minister", "foreign minister" and "subordinate state". The term "suzerainty", which is used to refer to a royal clan or a member of a clan, has already appeared in the Records of the historian. It is not scientific for modern scholars to use the term "suzerain-vassal" to refer to the relations between ancient Chinese dynasties, especially the Ming and Qing dynasties, and neighboring countries. The meaning and usage of "patriarchal vassal" are not only obviously different from the usage of this word by the ancients, but also easily lead to more misunderstandings. Therefore, we should use the "vassal" to be accurate.
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