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发布时间:2018-08-24 08:05
[Abstract]:Although great progress has been made in the study of Chinese modern cultural history since the 1980's, the theoretical issues have not been fully discussed. This situation is not conducive to the study of lasting depth. In order to promote the theoretical thinking of the study of Chinese modern cultural history, we invite six professors to express their opinions on relevant issues. Zheng Shiqu believes that in order to correctly interpret the changes in the trend of social and cultural thought in China in the early 20th century, we must further transcend the existing stereotypical thinking and place it under the great vision of the changes in the modern trend of thought before and after the European War. Only by introducing the new perspective of introspection of modernity and grasping the fight and unity of modernity and introspection can we get a more realistic understanding of history. The history innovation holds that: among the theories of modern Chinese new culture theory, modern civilization view is the early cultural theory, it certainly inherits the traditional cultural concept, but it is more important to absorb the civilization view imported in Europe, America and Japan. In fact, it provides a new starting point for the development of modern Chinese ideology and culture. Zheng Dahua believes that strengthening the study of the interactive relationship between social change and cultural transformation is of great significance in deepening the study of Chinese modern cultural history, because social change leads to cultural transformation. It also determines the nature and rate of cultural transformation, which has an important impact on social change, and sometimes makes or provides the ideological premise for the next step of social change. Huang Xingtao holds that the study of cultural history consists of three levels: the study of cultural figures, events, and the general situation of each branch of culture, the discovery and interpretation of "cultural phenomena" resulting from the integration of various cultural factors; The third is the study of the interaction between culture and social politics and economy, especially the interactive relationship between "social cultural history" and "cultural social history". Li Fan believes: the study of Chinese modern academic history has its own characteristics, and the staging aspect is not entirely equivalent to political history. The object of study, the perspective and the history of thought are different, but there is no need to make a strong distinction between the two sides. On the other hand, it is necessary to have the visual field of cultural history, which is the basic support. Zhang Zhaojun believes that the determination of the research object of Chinese modern cultural history is to take the formation and development of new culture as the main line and other cultures in modern history to be taken into account, the second is to regard cultural history as the history of culture, not as a simple combination of special history; The third is to regard culture as both the object of study and the developing theoretical method, and the fourth is to deal with the relationship between "external orientation" and "internal logic". The following highlights are published in the hope that they will be of help to readers who are concerned about this issue, and expect their colleagues to participate in the discussion.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学历史学院


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