[Abstract]:At that time, scholars such as Mei Guangdi, Wu Mi, Liu Yizheng and Zhang Yin-lin were the backbone, humanities scholars opposed to the radical new cultural movement, and based on Southeast University, they started the "Xueheng" magazine and contended with the New Culture Movement centered on Peking University. It was like a civil war in the Republic of China. The two sides fought fiercely from classical Chinese and vernacular, from respect to Confucius and anti-hole, romantic and classical, and finally won in the north and defeated in the south. As a matter of fact, the Southern New Culture Movement scholars said explicitly that "the essence of the nation will flourish and melt the new knowledge." they are not opposed to the new culture. The "new humanism" they advocate is an import and a new culture. It is just the new culture they want to absorb. There are different from Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi. Their attitude to the new culture is different, not "bring it", but "melt". A hundred years later, revaluating the heritage of the New Cultural Movement should recognize the negative consequences of the New Cultural Movement in the North. However, the Southern New Culture Movement was regarded as anti-new culture for no reason. We should thoroughly review the gains and losses in order to open up China and the West, integrate the ancient and modern, and reconstruct the map of Chinese ideology and culture in the 21st century.
【作者单位】: 中央研究院近代史研究所;
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