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发布时间:2018-10-12 08:53
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the strengthening of China's national strength and the increasing influence of the world, overseas Sinologists have been increasing their research on China, from the past focusing on Chinese language, literature, history, philosophy, archaeology and other humanities to Chinese politics. The economic, ethnic, cultural, educational, military, diplomatic and other fields have made a lot of research, which prompted the Chinese academic community to make the necessary response to the overseas Sinology research. It is of positive and important significance to attach importance to the study of overseas Sinology: on the one hand, through the study of overseas Sinology, we can look back at ourselves, study Chinese culture from different, unique and novel dimensions, and promote more science. More comprehensive construction of Chinese cultural theory system promotes the development of Chinese academic theory on the whole, on the other hand, it has certain practical significance to the practice of Chinese cultural exchange. In order for Chinese culture to move into the world, it is necessary to understand the development process of overseas Sinology and to study the spread and influence of Chinese culture abroad in a comprehensive, thorough, accurate and objective manner. Thus, it helps to formulate a more realistic strategy of foreign cultural exchange from the macro perspective. In view of this, our editorial published a group of articles on Sinology studies abroad, represented by the United States, Britain, Japan, Russia and France, and elaborated on the current situation of Sinology research in the five countries in recent years from different angles. In order for the academic community to grasp the latest achievements and trends of overseas Sinology research in time. We hope that this group of written talks will provide a platform for communication and dialogue in overseas Sinology research, with a view to promoting the development of overseas Sinology research in a deeper and broader field.
【作者单位】: 河北大学外国语学院;


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1 余冠仕;国际汉语教师标准发布[N];中国教育报;2007年

2 本报驻巴黎记者  宋斌;法国中小学汉语教学方兴未艾[N];光明日报;2007年

3 专题策划 岛石 执行 谢迪南 任志茜 受访人 严绍t,




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