[Abstract]:In this paper, through the literature of Ming and Qing dynasties, the authors cite sporadic quotations of "the types of the ruling and the opposition", comparing with the exploration of the similarities and differences of the characters, to link up the hidden inheritance of the versions of the "the types of the ruling and the Wild". Before the compilation of Siku Guanshu, few references were used in the literature, which reflected the fact that "the ruling and opposition categories" were not widely circulated. After the compilation of the "Siku Quan Shu", the publication of the "Wuying Dian gathering rare Books Series" and the partial publication of the Siku Book of "insufficient knowledge and Zhai Books" was published. The rare book, "the Family of the Government and the Wild" has attracted the attention of scholars, and since the Qianjiao period, historians Zhao Yi and Huang Yizhou have paid close attention to it. Scholars such as law, Fang Junshi, Shen Qinghan and Zhang Zhidong of the late Qing Dynasty all cited or introduced them, which had a remarkable effect and was a phenomenon worth studying in the history of book circulation.
【作者单位】: 日本学习院;
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