[Abstract]:The legendary "country of daughter" and "country of women" are also recorded in official history. " Haidong's "female country" and "Western" female state ", as well as" Jiannan Xishan Qiang female state "," east female state "," southern Jiannan female state ", and South China Sea" women's state "are all understood as the cultural existence which retains obvious matriarchal social characteristics. In "female country", one is "female country" with "female self-king", the other is "female country" with "no man in the country, no woman in the middle of the country." About the custom of "female country", the Sui Shu is called "its vulgar lady, light husband", "the old Tang Dynasty book" is called "vulgar heavy woman but despise husband", and "New Tang Dynasty Shu". The Western regions have been handed down. East female > so-called "vulgar light man, female noble salty male", "son from the mother's surname", "to women as the monarch." Officials outside, leading men for it; all orders, female officials from the inside, male officials to do "," all reflect the exclusive rights of women. The legends of "female country" in history, such as "taking snake as husband", "ape as husband", "ghost as husband", and so on, are derived from the myth that women do not intersect and conceive in the matriarchal clan era. It embodies the social reality of the age of group marriage, which can only be determined from the mother's aspect. The separation of "woman's country", "husband's country" and "woman's people, husband's people" in "Shanhai Classic" and "Huainan Zi", It should be related to sexual taboos in production during the primitive period.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学国学院
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