[Abstract]:In the early Ming Dynasty, Hezhou was the starting point of "Western Fanzhuwei" in the central dynasty, including Hezhou area. Because of the earliest time of its establishment, its own ruling strategy and political tendency had a profound influence on the later development of the vast Tibetan area. On the premise of large-scale military conquest, in order to establish a "national unity" in Hezhou region and form a nation-state identity, the Ming government adopted the means of unifying military and government to stabilize local rule, and used the mixture of soil and Han to join and govern, and religious power was used. The economic control of tea and horse and the establishment of relay communication system to solidify and strengthen this new pattern of Tibetan rule. This not only played an important role in the establishment and maintenance of the "system", but also provided a high value reference for the ruling strategy of the Qing Dynasty over the vast areas of Gansu and Qinghai.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学;
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