[Abstract]:Based on the relevant historical records and map documents, this paper probes into the distribution, scale and plane layout characteristics of the royal clan offices in Xi'an in Ming Dynasty, such as Wangfu, Zhenguo General's Office, and Fuguo General's Office in the Ming Dynasty. It is pointed out that the concentration and distribution of prefectures and so on is one of the important characteristics of Xi'an as a political center in the northwest of Ming Dynasty. The paper also makes a deep study on the landscape environment and its formation reasons in the county and the king's house, which to a great extent make up for the lack of systematic research on Xi'an urban landscape and human settlement environment in Ming Dynasty, to a large extent, the paper also makes up for the lack of systematic research on Xi'an urban landscape and residential environment in Ming Dynasty. It is also helpful to fully understand the outstanding achievements of Xi'an urban garden construction in Ming Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 北京大学城市与环境学系!北京 100871 陕西师范大学西北环发研究中心!西安 710062
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