发布时间:2018-11-18 09:48
【摘要】:正 "打倒孔家店",是狂飙突进的五四新文化运动中的一个振聋发聩的口号。对于以儒家学说为代表的封建文化,五四新文化运动的猛将们口诛笔伐。然而,五四运动90年后的今天,孔子却几乎成了中国传统文化的化身,孔子学院在全球已经建立了数百个。如何解读这一现象?儒家学说能开辟中国文化伟大复兴之道吗?
[Abstract]:Is "down with Confucius shop," is a surging May 4th New Culture Movement, an eye-opener slogan. As to the feudal culture represented by Confucianism, the May 4th New Culture Movement vigorously criticized us. However, 90 years after the May 4th Movement, Confucius has almost become the embodiment of Chinese traditional culture, Confucius Institutes have been established in the world hundreds. How to interpret this phenomenon? Can Confucianism open the way to the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture?
【作者单位】: 《w沸挛胖芸,
[Abstract]:Is "down with Confucius shop," is a surging May 4th New Culture Movement, an eye-opener slogan. As to the feudal culture represented by Confucianism, the May 4th New Culture Movement vigorously criticized us. However, 90 years after the May 4th Movement, Confucius has almost become the embodiment of Chinese traditional culture, Confucius Institutes have been established in the world hundreds. How to interpret this phenomenon? Can Confucianism open the way to the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture?
【作者单位】: 《w沸挛胖芸,