[Abstract]:Xiong Yuezhi believes that the fundamental difference between Chinese traditional cities and ancient European cities lies in the cultural consistency between urban and rural areas since ancient times, and the characteristics of urban and rural administrative unity have not changed. Even though the appearance of modern commercial ports strongly impacted on the system of Chinese traditional cities, the cultural consistency of urban and rural areas is still tenacious in the ports of trade, and the administrative unity of urban and rural areas still exists in non-commercial ports. Dai Yifeng believes that there are two different perspectives in the study of urban history: introverted and extroverted, while most Chinese scholars prefer the introverted view. We should promote the combination of introverted visual field and extroverted visual field in the future urban history research. Zhang Limin believed that since modern times, the antagonistic relationship between urban and rural areas has not been alleviated, on the contrary, the development of urban and rural areas has been disjointed, and the urban-rural differences have expanded rapidly. Because of its own lack of power and lack of rural support, the result is to limit the overall development level of modern Chinese cities. He Yimin believes that it is very important to scientifically divide the different development periods of Chinese urban history for the study of Chinese urban history. The history of Chinese cities can be divided into three periods: agricultural age, industrial age and information age. Chen Yunxi believes that China's urban transformation is a microcosm of social system transformation, which involves social, political, economic, cultural, memory, identity and many other aspects. However, "space" is an important dimension which can fully display the characteristics of this transition modernity. Introducing "space" into the study of Chinese urban history can reveal the unique law of urban evolution in China.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院;上海市高校都市文化E-研究院;
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