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发布时间:2019-02-19 19:38
[Abstract]:Yugejihutuk, one of the famous reincarnations of outer Mongolia in the Qing Dynasty, has been reincarnated seven times, of which 4 are in Tibet and 3 in Mongolia. Born in 1870, the seventh Uggir Khutuk Tulasang Dash was recognized as a reincarnation child at the age of 5 and sat in bed at the Yuggir Temple. This paper makes a systematic study of the life story of the seventh Giggir Hutuk Tu by using a large number of archival data. This paper consists of four parts: introduction, text (chapter one, chapter two, chapter three), conclusion and references. The introduction part introduces the purpose, significance and relevant information of the research. Chapter one is composed of three parts: the first part mainly introduces the first six times of Yuggier Hutuk Tu. The second part, the seventh Giggir Hutuktu is recognized, bed sitting and the experience of Manchu period. The third part introduces the Buddhist ceremony of the Temple of Yuggir. The second chapter describes the main activities of the seventh division during 1911-1921. The first part mainly introduces the political activities during the period from the establishment of the Bokdohan regime in 1911 to the abolition of independence in 1915, when he was appointed governor of the southeastern border region. The second part introduces his main activities from the signing of the Sino-Russian-Mongolian Tripartite Agreement to the founding of the Mongolian people's Government in 1921. The third chapter introduces the fate of the people's Republic of Mongolia after the founding of the Mongolian people's Government, its temples, Shabinar and so on in the process of socialist transformation. The concrete contents include people's power confiscating the feudal assets of pastoralists and lamas, reforming the temples, losing religious and political freedom to you Gejihtuk Tu, and getting sentenced and executed in 1930 for the case. The conclusion part summarizes the content of the paper and puts forward its own views.


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